Show Kennedy Given Reprimand By Clarke Caldwell News Editor The Standards Review Board investigating allegations of malfeasance malfeasance malfeasance sance and misconduct on the part of Student Body President Maria Marla Kennedy found that there was a preponderance pro pro- of evidence against her A written reprimand was given to Kennedy on Thursday May 29 written by the Standards Review Board which held a six hour closed meeting May 28 An official statement dated May 28 1997 was given to the Horizon May 29 regarding the findings of the Standards Review Board It reads We as a Standards Review Board found the allegations against President Marla Maria Kennedy substantiated substantiated substantiated by a preponderance of evi- evi evi evi- dence A written reprimand from this board will be the only sanction against President Kennedy and upon issuance of the said reprimand reprimand reprimand mand the matter is closed Carrie who replaced John as chair of the review board wrote a statement to the Horizon on May 30 stating that she would not release the contents of the letter of reprimand given to President Kennedy The committee as a whole wrote the letter but no member will reveal or comment on its contents said The Standards Review Board held two separate meetings The first was an orientation like meeting to explain the standing rules which would be followed during the second second second sec sec- ond meeting During the second meeting which began approximately one hour after the first the board made madea a list of witnesses that they would consider calling to testify before the body Included in the list were Kennedy Shaun Peck the employee employ employ- ee who wrote the letter alleging the incident occurred Senator David Lemon and Ora Anglesy Pecks Peck's supervisor at the Media Center Members of the review board were Executive Council members Rebecca Jensen Rob Cordova Dawn Tavis and Brandee Butler Senators Veronica Angulo Scott Brundage Gary Lawrence Ken Continued on Page 2 n 1 I F. F fr fry y Y J 5 4 y g f. f Jt i i 1 I II I u Photo courtesy of Executive Council Student Body President Maria Marla Kennedy was given a written reprimand from the Standards Review Board Reprimand Continued from Page 1 J. and David Vincent two students large who's names are not open to the public Director of Student Activities Gordon Wilson r i and Vice President of Student iIIi t L Services Judd Morgan The Horizon attempted to contact contact contact con con- tact Kennedy for an official statement statement statement state state- ment but received no response No where in the constitution or bylaws of the college does it state any information or details regarding a format for a letter of reprimand A written reprimand has never been given to anyone before as far as I know said We basically played it by ear It is not known yet whether Kennedy will appeal the decision |