Show t I r Religions agree that families f c need a church to attend Maj-Len Maj Andersen Contributing Writer AST to west Christian and non Chris E EAST tian all churches believe that without values installed in a family setting communities communities communities com com- will experience riots and chaos This was the unified voice as expressed by religious leaders One new member of the Islamic faith stressed the need for family prayer He said a aY al l person who is outside the group fellowship becomes becomes becomes be be- comes a target for the devil Such a person can succumb to temptation Left alone young Is Islamic Islamic Islamic Is- Is persons for example will become rebellious rebellious rebellious rebel rebel- lious and without aimA aimA aimA aim A family that prays together will grow stronger and the devil has no power over them he said It is particularly pleasing the way people in the Islamic community support each other spontaneously as in a recent celebration where a lamb was shared by the grou group p. p The Salt Lake Buddhist Church is temporarily temporarily temporarily tem tem- without a priest of their own There is much support among the group to help each other The priest from Ogden comes and does the necessary work The last service of Dhar- Dhar school ma-school was held on June 14 The children will have summer vacation The Buddhists are deeply family oriented centering their lives around the he family There are activities for everyone bowling volleyball and picnics came to the representatives representative's mind immediately The Jewish congregation Kol Ami also has activities and dinners to involve their com com- unity Monthly family services where lG children are particularly kept in mind are held The Jewish family unit is a strong one said the rabbis rabbi's secretary Trinity Greek Orthodox Church has had two seminars for marriage enrichment and also counseling to strengthen future relationships relationships relation relation- ships snips during the past year They offer programs according to the need of their com com- The head pastor Father John has a degree in psychiatry and is able to effectively offer counseling when it is needed Families are the very core around which t the e societies are built and all Christian societies can grow by supporting one another through communal activities said the pastor JoAnn Leach Episcopal priest from the Lutheran Campus Ministry said her community community community com com- offers serenity and peace a sense of purpose In today's world few have the traditional traditional traditional family support but the church community community community com com- can fill this void Being part of the comm community unity is exciting and strengthening I she said In a Christian community children are l a aIn taught by actions It is important for the t whole family to participate rather than parents dropping off the children That gives 1 1 the wrong message said Leach Attending together children feel safe among friends who f believe as they do and they can talk about things in safety The Children develop inner inner strength and peace They need people around t who speak a common language she said Children need to see adults act a according cording to what they preach Families need the church community's support to combat lifes life's problems L j L l Jr V i 1 |