Show Reader says Quick has a chip Dear Editor I basically enjoy reading the Horizon and I think for forthe forthe forthe the most part everyone does a good job However I would just like to comment on Gloria Quicks Quick's column Grain ft- ft of Salt I feel that she is using this column not to entertain but to air what seems to be a personal vendetta against men Every week I look at her column and it is the same thing thing men men are bad men are pigs men are responsible for all women's troubles or so it seems to Glorias Gloria's view This is getting real old Come on Gloria why dont don't you put your talent to use and find a anew anew anew new subject to write about Is it really ethical to use this column for your personal use Sure I believe in freedom of speech but I feel that maybe your columns bel belong ng somewhere else like maybe the opinion page If you guys oops gals ever wonder why your newspaper is not read as much as you'd like consider that many of your readers are men Why would men bother reading something that only continues to put them down You know If it were a man bashing women he would never get away with the things you have Give it a arest arest arest rest Gloria We are sick of hearing your slanted views Oh by the way I am not a guy I also believe in equal rights for all Does it surprise you that even your own gender is growing weary of |