Show Free agency equals ls freedom of choice Connie Stowe Burrup Associate Editor of choice in all instances is the basic tenant FREEDOM of the LOS Religion Free Agency and in all things are arc the essential ingredients to learning the mysteries of the LOS Plan of Salvation As the political rhetoric escalates around us we are free to choose George Bush and his unresolved duplicity in the Iran Contra affair Bill Clinton and his duplicitous marriage or Ross Perot and his How did he make all that money anyway How can you tell which is the moral or right choice for yourselves or the nation Here at home the choice is a horse of a different color Recent polls indicate that are currently split right down the middle on whether to legalize race horse-race betting in Utah or not A Salt Lake Tribune Poll listed of those asked as opposed to legalization of the gambling gambling gambling gam gam- bling and are for it Only 72 are unsure Last week area meetings were held for the Church to inform inform in form and educate church members on the moral dangers of legalized gambling During the spring legislative session session session ses ses- ses- ses sion an unofficial and confusing confusing confusing con con- fusing directives came to members to fight th the proposal from gaining a place on the November bal bal- bal bal- lot After that debacle the Deseret News Church Section reaffirmed the stand on its opposition to telling its members how to vote and its absolute stand against using meetings or chapels for political activities of any kind Wha What's ts t's a good Mormon to think Can you be opposed opposed opposed op op- op- op posed to abortion and still be pro-choice pro Can you despise pornography and want limits and still believe in absolute artistic It was the struggle over free agency that divided us before we came here it may well be the struggle over the same principle which will deceive and divide us again JJ freedom Are there good I women and men out there ready to save the constitution which is hanging by a thread but who a arent aren't ent active in th the faith Should you pray in secret day by day or stand at the podium in every public meeting to address your maker What are you going to do If you remain politically apathetic and continue to allow oth others rs the decisive input you will be very sorry down the road Utah State GOP Party chairman Bruce Hough once said I am convinced that the world is run rua by people who show up No matter what your choice or level of involvement you must consider the words in the Book of Mormon Monnon You are free to choose to act for yourselves and not be acted upon Erastus Snow II in the Journal o of f Discourses stated The liThe free agency of man is inseparably connected with intelligence intelligence in in- Educate yourselves on the issues Choose whatever stand you want but make certain you are independently independently inde inde- taking your stand based on what you know and not on what someone else has told you to do |