Show Graduates think S h rM tuition freeze i is s cool CPS GRADUATING seniors from Hood College in Maryland presented the university president with ice cubes with dimes frozen inside to symbolize their approval of a tuition tuition tuition tui tui- tion freeze for the 93 1992 academic year After each of the graduate hand handed d over their gifts Hood President Martha Church collected the cubes in an ice chest chestand chestand chestand and took took them them home to defrost She collected 2780 in dimes deposited 2770 in a college account and saved one dime tobe to tobe tobe be mounted inside a plastic cube Graduates have had a senior gag gift tradition since 1985 when departing seniors each handed Church a marble until marbles were ere rolling all over the stage Other past gifts included included included in in- plastic building blocks to commemorate construction construction tion of a new library and goldfish in water-filled water bags |