Show boulder notes by lee L brady H lloyd hansen was in boulder last week garland douglas returned from his trap line sunday laverne la verne brady spent saturday at the harrell ranch mrs park brady is about recovered from her illness guy wheatley visited at the harrell ranch sunday miss johnson called at the musselman ranch thursday mr and mrs hyrum atwood visited in boulder last week miss bonnie priest spent the weekend week end with miss johnson mrs lee L brady was in town saturday caring for her patients mrs lee L brady made a trip to the virgil price home tuesday mr and mrs ed harrel visited at the park brady home last week mrs ed franklin visited atthe at the home of mrs mcalister one day last week mrs arthur holt returned from moab with her mother to stay a while clyde thompson returned to the ranch from grand junction last week mr griner and assistant were in boulder monday mixing poison for the farmers callers at the lee L brady home last week were jim and shirley thompson mr and mrs purcell and mr and mrs teman called at the harrell ranch one day last week ageo geo P brady will celebrate his birthday january 20 park has been a very sick man for two weeks with infected throat but at this writing is improving nicely I 1 |