Show MANNERS OF THE MOMENT by JEAN 0 by th the A N nv GIRLS who him and you a man throughout the first two weeks of an acquaintance are just standing on foolish formalities they seem to feel that mr button is too formal after the first dance but that timothy is too familiar so they try to make poor timothy button feel at home by calling him him well timothy button like it he told us so he says that it C C ile he says I 1 have this dance with him makes him feel ignominious he says he feels like a servant or a waiter and yet he read in a book once that a man ever call a girl by her first name until she has called him by his first name ile he goes around silently bearing his burden nowadays it seems pretty silly to go through all this palaver why not call him tim and be done with it personally we consider three dances a lengthy period for calling a man mr by the fourth dance you should be able to call him tim and just cut out the himming interim entirely its neither fish nor fowl service |