Show 0 V tl jal F W ca and washington D C the rumor that congress adjourned when the president went fishing might ie be called officially an inaccuracy but unofficially just about true when mr air roosevelt returned he learned that the most important thing that had happened during his absence was representative tenn capture of a 40 bound ha it is nao also ctr that the several foreign diplomats toasted the health of king george and that a few congressmen tried to balance the budget in the third race at pimlico and failed miserably the coronation by the way hardly caused a ripple of interest here at least not in off official acial circles it seemed to have been accepted somewhat as the british counterpart of some local state fair few officials have ever met the new king but those who have say that he is a likable chap somewhat like his father and that while ho he the personality of his brother edward he will eventually become as popular with bis is own people as was the late xing king until the days of dictatorships a government wanting to indicate to another its anger recalled its ambassador all this has bas been changed now diplomats remain but newspaper correspondents are recalled 11 II duce ordered his news hawks home from L ondon london and banned british publications front from sunny italy if this sort of thing continues newspapers in in democratic countries may have to torm orm an espionage system in order to get t the he low down on doings in the lands of and hillers Hit lers ala old timers and hobbyists lobbyists may not believe this but it actually happened the house of depre penta renta tives has declined to pass a pension bill the congressional record shows that the millennium arrived last week when the house refused to consider a bill appropriating a year extra for spanish american war veterans when hen congressmen decline to vote ote pension bills for organized voters you may rest assured that the appropriators have taken seriously the presidents warning that a budget must inest be balanced As the zero hour on the supreme court court issue approaches the capitol is is again whispering about the possibility ofa of a senate tie in that event that sphinx of sphinxes jack garner will be in the delicate position of having to cast the deciding vote the vice president who has ha been a tower of strength to the white house on critical legislative occasions has aroused the liveliest curiosity as to how he will perform in the ticklish emergency that may soon confront him garner close associates hint has not mot shown much enthusiasm for the presidents court plan unofficial military observers back from battle torn spain report that no effective new weapons have been developed since the world war but that tremendous strides have been made in improving the old ones especially antiaircraft anti aircraft weapons they estimate that about 90 per cent of 0 alt all airplanes brought down by both sides were shot down by antiaircraft anti aircraft guns the most effective planes are the light russian bombers which carry four machine guns and are copies of american army machines the italians and germans actually engaged on the various fronts are reported getting tired of the mess and have been seen to openly make an about face when confronted with the emergency of hand to hand encounter with loyalists it is apparent that a poll of foreign troops engaged in the spanish tew stew would woul d snow show an overwhelming wh majority in favor of aning returning to their own more or less peaceful cebul honic homes |