Show AUTO SAFETY I 1 tho the average driver behind the wheel frequently toots his horn hom and an sputters sp utters at the pedestrian who he know know any ally better then the driver be becoates coanes a pedestrian and presto change liis his gears shift into reverse psychology and lie he bawls out some driver who warns him of danger not an unusual person perso n things happen a ai ol of a sudden int in crowded streets and highways and so we should all drive along with every intersection walker traffic light signal and every car under suspicion all too often when an accident happens there is a quarrel about who is to blame but as drivers if we are sufficiently alert we dont let the other fellows mistake get u us into anac trouble expert drivers tell us there is just on one e thing to do to te give ourselves ouis elvea a margin of safety a reserve of space and a reserve of time I 1 traffic accidents furnish fuini sli evidence that most of us lead double lives be aeme an expert driver prid you will grow away fram the he weakness of leading a double life |