Show judge extols dog from bench in damage suit in rendering an opinion in a damage suit in which a man lost his we life trying to rescue a drowning dog a georgia supreme justice devoted a halt half hour to extolling the virtues of dogs and two or three sentences to his decision states a writer in the chicago tribune part of the justices remarks were as follows follos from the dawn of primal history the dog has loomed targe large in the art and literature of the world in metal and in stone his noble image has been perpetuated but the dogs chief monument is in the heart of his friend man As aft st i house pet a watchdog a herder of sheep and cattle in the field ct cf sport and os es the motive power of transportation especially in the ice fields of the far north the dog has ver been a faithful companion and helper of man in the trackless forests of the new world he was on the firing line of civilization in the task of subduing all enemies whether savage man or wild beast literature is enriched by the bspry of ulysses dog argos after twenty years of war and wandering this king of ithaca returned unrecognized in his beggar rags but as he entered the courtyard his hound raised up his head and pricked his ears among many of the most beautiful of natures plants and trees we have the dogwood dog daisy dog laurel dog rose dog violet and the like baron cuvier considered the dog the most complete the most singular and the most useful conquest man has gained in the animal anim a world alexander H stephens wrote for his sagacious poodle rio here rest the remains of what in life was a satire on the human race and ain an honor to his own wn a faithful dog tributes might be multiplied almost without number like man not all dogs are good dogs they have left behind them reco records ads showing every degree of good and bad |