Show BRIDAL SHOWER the pinnacle of Montie ellos spring sp ring time social events was wag reached last saturday afternoon at the home of mrs della delia jensen where mrs airs myron soltau nee miss loya perkins was the honored reci recipient pieA of a beautiful miscellaneous shower sponsors ing in the occasion were mrs jensen mrs fawn sommerville mrs leroy wood mrs marvel anderson mrs julia bailey mrs cleon cooper and miss maude redd A delightful program had been prepared which consisted ot of two chorus numbers by the fourth grade pupils of the monticello school reading by mrs airs hazel frost poetical love of mike given by the authors autho 1 mrs leah conn and two piano solos rendered by sirs airs elva sprague after the unwrapping by the bride of the many beautiful guts gifts the sixty guests present were served nerved with delicious refreshments c closing I 1 osing i a at t lato late evening another chapter in monticello Al s successful social entertainments |