Show R 3 there can be no friendship where there is no freedom MAY j 28 29 tho the famous dionne girl quintuplets quintuple u I 1 ts born at t abider ontario 1934 29 work on iho and ohio canal begun I 1 im 1829 30 christopher columbus sailed galled on his third voy n aoe age of exploration 1498 I 1 31 21 flood floed waters inundate johnstown lohn slown pa 2209 lives ilves lost 1883 1889 lune JUNE i 1 nasonal fast day proclaimed for the tha death ot of president lincoln 1865 2 indians granted citizenship by tho the united states government 1924 p 3 tiner liner Nomi andie arrived ell in now new york on maiden voyage 1935 |