Show Legal Notices SHERIFFS SALE INTHE IN IN THE I 1 HE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL WITHIN AND FO rathe COUNTY OF SAN JUAN STATE OF UTAH tim THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OP 01 BERKELEY a corporation corporal loii plaintiff vs leroy I 1 13 stevens a JACK NIELSON also spelled nielsen Nl elsen administrator 0 of the estate of walter 0 dubols dubois also called nil 0 dubois deceased tire THE LO FARM LOAN association a corporation R E dubois also known us as row ross E r dellois Du Dul llois lols and JANE DOE dubois ills wife FIRST DOE SECOND DOE THIRD DOH DOE and FOURTH DOE defendants to he be sold at sheriffs Sherlf Ca sale on the day of may 1934 at 10 am at the front door of the count court house in monticello san juan county utah all the rights title claim and interest of tile the above named defendants of in ili and to the follOw following lag described real property situated in san juan county utah to wit the northwest quarter the west halt half of the northeast quarter the northwest quarter of odthe the southeast quarter the northeast quarter a of the southwest quarter of section thirty live five 35 township towns alp 33 south of range 25 last east of the salt lake base and meridian utah containing in three hundred twenty acres more or less together with all rights of every kind and nature however evidenced e Iden ced to the use of water ditches and canals for irrigation of said premises together with all tenements tena ments her edita ments and appurtenances thereto belonging or otherwise appertaining dated this lay flay of april 1934 HORACE sheriff san juan county utah terms te of sale cash first publication april 20 basti may 10 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the matter of the estate I 1 of maude A palmer deceased creditors of said estate will present their claims with vouchers attached to the under signed on or before the day or of lune June 1934 signed T J ward rainier palmer administrator donald T adams attorney for Adminis tr tor first publication april 20 26 19 1934 1914 14 last may 17 NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the matter of the estate of oc J IV palmer deceased creditors of said estate will present their claims with vouchers attached to tile brider st ned on or before the day ot of june imi signed J ward paliner executor annalt T adams 1 atty tor for executor first publication april ag 1934 last may 17 S SUMMONS U M M 0 N S IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT WITHIN A AND D FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN JUAN STATE OF UTAH THE FEDERAL LAND RANK BANK op OF BERKELEY a corporation plat plaintiff taff vs C formally josephine C downing and n B A ANE WELLS her husband CORAL E WARD and john DOR DOE WARD her husband FIRST DOE SECOND DOE and THIRD DOK DOE THE STATE OF UTAH TO tire THE SAID DEEM defendants you are hereby summoned to appear within thirty days after service sen ice of tills this summons upon you it if served within the county in which tills action Is brou glit oth otherwise emise within thirty days after service and defend the above entitled action and in case of your failure so to do judgment illi lie rendered against you ace according ord to tle the demand of 0 the complaint which tills lias been filed with the clerk ot of the said court tills this action Is brought to recover a judgement jud gement fole foreclosing closing tile the plaintiffs mortgage upon tile the land described as follows to wit the north one halt of section thir ty four in township thirty tour four south range twenty six east of the salt lake base and meridian containing three hundred twenty acres more or less DONALD T ADAMS attorney tor for plaintiff NOTICE TO CREDITORS instate estate of 0 john W dalton deceased creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned undersigner under signed at ills his residence in monticello utah on or before the day of june 7 geo W dalton administrator F W keller attorney tor for ji 0 monticello utah first publication april 19 1934 last publication public may 10 19 1031 I 1 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO condemnation proceedings he be it ordained by the board ot of trustees ot of monticello utah section 1 ait it Is deemed necessary for the ithe public good peace and health that the town ot of appropriate the waters of 0 Innes spring roan man spring and taylor spring A which springs issue from the blue mountains san isan juan county utah about seven miles west ot of monticello ti cello utah the waters of chib flow into north fork and are now cla claimed tined by the blue mountain irrigation company ond others tor for the purpose of using ging the same to supply the town I 1 of monticello and the thereof with culinary and domestic w anter ater thru a pipeline pipe line system and furnishing water tor for a hydroelectric hydro electric plant section 2 it Is deemed necessary necess nry tor for tle the public rood good peace an and d health that condemnation proceedings to appropriate prop nad aquire the waters of f I 1 said sprints springs and tor for the purposes above mentioned be begun forthwith I 1 in the district distri ct con rt of san n colin ty utah by the town ot of monticello I 1 section 3 the president of tile the board of trustees trustee ot of tile the town of mon Is ali hereley her eliy authorized and directed to employ necessary council and do 10 all things necessary and incident to such condemnation proceedings and begin awl ami consummate con the I 1 same as soon as possible I 1 leillon 4 any or parts ot of any ordinance in conflict with wit lithe the provisions provision of this ord or diance lance are hereby I 1 expressly repealed and declared to 1 be ot of no force and effect section r this ordinance shall bo be published once in the san junn record a weekly newspaper published nt at monticello utah and having a general circulation in said town and itale and shill sha anle 1 ke effect linci oi 1 am lately after said gaid publication passi I b 1 the boord of trustees Trustee of monticello SI utah and approved tills this uli day lay of may 1914 19 4 olias chas A burr president denit board of trustees attest state of utah I 1 san ran juan county iss town of monticello 1 I I 1 7 P may clerk ot of the town of monticello utah certify ahalt the above is a true and correct copy ifor of ordinance passed by y the board of trustees of said town of monticello I on oil tile ath dav of may 4 as appears ot of record in mv office in witness whereof jiahe hereunto 0 set arn mv liand and iff affixed lid theror sent of tile lie town of monticello Mont lello utah this ath day may 1054 1934 J P may alay town clerk cleric |