Show GET RID OF THE RATS T D CL tackling jackling the great copper magnate says sava in speaking of uie the stock exchange chanse ex bill this Is scuttling the ship chip to t set get rid of the rats lie he says in setting down to t the issue this legislation means an attempted destruction of if the american way of doing business the method which has made the united states the gren greatest test industrial nation the richest and happiest nation in the world A man of such financial speaking Rp eikin put cut so boldly the Tiro rn posed law will likely effect many readers and cause congress congre qs to pause nevertheless america needs control tf vf stock market gambling A free trad ng n place does not also give total tree free binm to do ns na men may desire repard regard es of their gieir fellow men yet in hand ling hn the larse large manipulations of capital millions of dollars dolli ira wis lias rone gone into water mi y stock find vast I 1 n of tibe health assen iWed under the direction 11 of a very few it Is 1 indeed difficult to formulate laws aws that will lie just for all but certainly the national government should lake inte charge of nil tint that Is speculation and supervise it I 1 no man maii or corporation should be ie ennit ted to so juggle the market as 0 o roli rob people of millions of dollars and even billions hil lions yet this has lieen been nite common congress is oli Hated lo 10 0 o take none of these abuses ali uses no poor les iss should he be arrested tor for playing same game of poker while respected gam amling goes on that is in reality far nore criminal altho called esq colonel tackling jackling is 41 i ili 11 man aind is e earned the hialit to be e respected le e Is reputed to be e worth a huse huge cum allowan Al lowins mm him just credit lionor ten r and wealth the people are wonder 1 whether or not it is right tor for govi ov vinent to permit men to heroine so Te althy way any man rig likly earn i million or a hundred million dol ars is the question anil and its import ant as the stock market bill |