Show REBUS ROTA HAVE CHARGE OF BIG CLEAN UP SATURDAY saturday sn cinday the itchus 11 rota tota clail it will hlll liae hae large of clenn cleat up ui lay it is part of a national program tor for better homes I acello celli Is aked a ked under direction or ol 01 this live organization to concentrate cen on oil two public jos jois of import anre ance to all vf cleaning clea up tip the city park and likewise tre alting the ward vani liall hall g ra imil because lie cause ft t is very ran emili 11 a community center buildings buil dins and both johs are ri lit la in the center venter or tonn ton all who lend a hand will lie given a I 1 meal in the hall at time here is a chane chance for everyone eve to demonstrate on pride anti anil sive a little lahar labora where it iq i needed A rood good crowd is expected it if you are working work lii on the road then pelt gelt bourson or brother or fir friend to work a lay day for boll |