Show CONTRACT T LET FOR BY COLORADO A denier man A II 11 mickey mackey sot got the alie contract for the first starter on lonz ions expected highway from the end of our secondary roal graveled to the state line file toward dove creek commencing near northdale Nort hdale and the bid ia 13 said to lie It this roal road mill lie le no lla well known in colorado anil and will lie ie I e US standard not secondary sec will lie me per hour for unskilled and 7 ac c for skilled skill pil libor hilior lili or khein Eri gill aers are setting the stakes and the contractor Is moving in his equipment lie has until sept tar for com the alie joli joh our colorado friends just across naros the line bill tie lie beatly re atly and 11 athen lien they need it it is a realization at elodi el a lobig delayed acl plan ow this start hns bit lieen been madda Iea flers are so go in to ton to f ak ai tor for a million dollars ollars fl aith ith which to t make this read nil all standard stand ird including the ithe failous wolf creel creek pass last wednesday such men as AV V olin NV 13 rosann and ami J J downey met to consider the plans for or the urgent rei ot of southwest colorado Color nil to set get elliis athis road and a spirit of 0 do it now is in charge 0 of f tho the long ion neglected mrea area utah will lie lad ad to t see yee colin ties in Co colerado Coln linado rado pet get anito action ac tion like sin san juan in utah they liae hae waited long enoah too long lone utah is loin some lils planning forthe sector in in tills state all a 1 co part ot of the west and together the work projected and now being considered andl cates where silence has reign beien ed so long ions V |