Show MOTOR VEHICLE ANNUAL TAXES in 15 1 years the motor vehicle tax fix totals with 1933 esti estimated malted is nearly 10 lillion billion dollars in this land tiie the suni sum Is divided into several divisions viz registration atlon state sas gas tax f federal started in 1932 fifth er federal taxes anil and personal property taxes railroads or of tile the country in only less than tire rive billion illion li dollars aral taxes tit iii 1932 for instance state license or registration money collected collect eil Is million and gas taxes collected ly by the states million mi on anki anil sam Er etting nearly million inore or r well over OW million while all railroad taxes tor for that year total only 27 million according to the ons gas tax news Fi figures ures eures are airro approximate binate as detailed ile tailed tabulation is not desired tt it Is therefore plain to anyone that motor vehicles are more considerably sider ably more for registration money alone than railroads are lit lying tor for taxes as 1932 shows while the iras 8 tax paid ito states i s fur far greater than railroad taxes for the fifteen year period peri oil the first 10 years representing represent in the lower costs for or tills this pas gas ve kitele cost makes the comparative alvr fi ures impre impressive sIve ns is the car truck etc have paid more lhnn alinn twice as mud much as the railroads rut put on the cresent schedule of taxes and charges the motor vehicle is paying well over three times the revenue to state ani nation nn linn that therall roads pay no wonder we may build roads this motor tax or halt half of it diverted into building a navy tor for three years might cause those debts over in europe to tail take ce on new life anil and the tape would begin to move out of chinese territory and leave that mat coal and iron and other such wealth alone it Is proposed that monticello ns its sess seas a gasoline sa soline tax or pass an ordinance so that about lc ic per pallon gallon lie be collected in seven states they collect such axes but utah cant stand it especially in san qin juan |