Show hoac 1 VISIT plan lasic evening the state road commission hall had a delegation down la in this bounty kou nty in fact preston clr Id terson the oldest road commissioner in point 0 of service and well known maintenance engineer S L oate gate anil and district engineer Kny ineer H R A gillis of price and several grand county men as aa guests they were looking mer the line hurriedly hur ridly ent mean business sir peterson explained to county coun ty L commissioners cleber frost ent johnson and others who met them here that the maintenance has been less because bebau bezau e of the mild winster period anil and some lioney Is 13 ready to rae now no this is lined up in ili four projects the first two to start tart with little delay viz Orar Grav eliu elzir or re le from peters ito town about nine miles costing nebout ft and nearly all paid for libor labor A halt half mile of oiled road thru mon deello which will cost perhaps SH 1 00 with additional raiel the lona Cany bridge br idse and rill nil to to comert that bad place into a real road this thia needs backing and the county commissioners seem determined ito demand den iani it and mr peterson apparently Is willing t to help la sal junction to la sal this is spreading spread ln gravel now ready crushed last winter it will cost 2000 ano and will lie nearly all for labor after an hour or two evl 0 in town the visitors hurried back having t to reach prace sometime ast night they are apparently anxious to help and all air who met them felt good san juan needs a red hot organization it was evident ev ilent lidid such an organization met tile offic officials bals it would have been good bushi business esq altho the local of 0 flici als lid bell ell there is big work ahead in this county and a live lire organization is needed |