Show TO investigate unemployment A special senatorial committe committees ee appointed to investigate unemployment begins its work october 15 the principal plans for rel iveing unemployment might be summarized as follows 1 staggering employment many concerns are doing this by putting all their people on short time so that all have some work to do this plan prevents extreme destitution and is one of the most practical methods yet devised 2 shorter working weeks the success of this plan depends on whether production costs are much increased if the workpeople are given six days pay but they only do five days work then it will cost more to produce goods conson consumption action will be cut down and more people will be thrown out of work I 1 3 unemployment insurance such government insurance is likely to give people the idea that the government owes them a living england has tried this plan and it has led people to just lie down and let the government support them unemployment insurance by the in industries dus tries for their own workpeople may be practical tica 1 4 starting public works this is a practical l plan to a reasonable extent provided money is not wasted and provided it does not take too long for slow government processes to start the jobs going but such plans may impose too heavy a burden on the tax taxpayers 5 accumulation of reserves against unemployment in good times this is possibly the most practical plan of all it would permit manufacturing concerns to keep running their plants at cost for quite a time while continuing wages and dividends 6 self protection against unemployment bv personal thrift many people who are now asking for help wasted their money when they had it unemployment is a menace thour business and political system and everything possible must be done to avert it i |