Show 0 U LT 9 afa V ta TWO METHODS OF eliminating LICE user declares declare pest can be done away with poultry uce lice la is one or 01 the unnecessary evils which many farmers tolerate the ex extermination ta ermin atlon of the uce lice Is not expensive nor complex there are two practical methods which any housewife or farm farmer e r may use with every assurance of success one of these la Is the use of an artificial dustbin in a some dry protected plaice place the breathing organs of the lice are small dinall lopen openings ings on the sides of ibe body these openings are readily clogged with dust and if the hems bens have access to a dustbin dust bin there will be little need decd of controlling lice in the poultry flock bock the second method of eradicating lie lice e from a flock of p poultry Is a sodium in fluoride dip this dip Is made by adding one ounce of the powder which may be purchased at any drug store to one gallon of water it Is a good plan to have the water slightly warmed before adding the powder the birds may then be held with wings over the back and submerged while under the water the feathers must be ruffled several times after wetting the birds thoroughly hold the beak between the thumb and finger and dip the birds bead under the water a time or two it Is a good plan to dip all of the birds in the flock when the weather Is warm and then provide the dustbin the rest of the year the writer has used this plan for fop several years year and has found it successful the dairy farmer |