Show OF LUCAL LOCAL in INTEREST WEEKLY fy WEATHER REPORT date max minn pre fre char fob feb 6 46 19 00 clear 7 65 56 26 00 clear 8 45 23 00 clear 9 48 20 00 clear 10 42 13 00 clear 11 45 15 26 00 clear 12 48 40 21 00 cl clear ear MRS bins II 11 E BLAKE voluntary Volin tary observer F B hammond accompanied hy by his laughter daughter mrs jack nielson and little son soil made a trip to salt lake city the last of the week where mrs nielson will receive medical attention john P byrne and wife passed through monticello yesterday en route home at cedar point from h b trip trill to salt lake city where mr air byrne went a couple of weeks ago to undergo treatment of his eyes all roads out of monticello have been open for several days for auto travel and it looks tits as though it would not bo be interrupted for the balance of the wiit whiter cr except perhaps immediately during storm periods county clerk frank halls and county treasurer lenora jones returned from ogden yesterday where they attended the state convention of county clerks auditors assessors ana treasurers treasur ers mr air and mrs J W hanson mr air and mrs 11 P adams and mr and mrs 11 II E blake formed a merry party at the ranson restaurant tuesday evening at an oyster supper the th I 1 bivalves valves Ii I 1 iv lives were prepared iby by mr hanson in several styles and my I 1 my ahat a supper D we are in receipt of a letter with a clipping from an ontario calif newspaper giving an all elaborate account of a reception given by mr air and mrs airs IV L phillips of that state to the wilmer dronson bronson and julius bailey families all former residents ox 01 attention poets each state in the united states is publishing a book an anthology of their best verse utah cuttill poets are requested to send their best verse to utah state editor merling D clyde box bo price utah without delay an american america anthology will be chosen from atho be very my best of the 48 books what a hanco hance for poets iq q prospective settlers and land seekers see kors kers arcin many states of the union 1 have written letters within the last month to the monticello chamber ch amber of COM commerce inaree and the monticello postmaster asking for detailed in information about our climate soil and business conditions everything points to quite a business revival in the county couett during tile the coming comin g spring and summer |