Show it I 1 money makes some men gengul and generous cont belittle money 4 t U I 1 at hot ailments allmen tl alt start from poor all euro a constipation centt J r zat lon poisons ions gap vital 1 ity undermine your health end and man I 1 ufa life nilan rable tonight try W M jf ail II i corrective not tin an i seo see how bow IR wl will I 1 I 1 aid in your I 1 ppe rid t alta 4 rl d drouot yo of J war lilt tsi nulU gl inn alij oi as EC Z juitt A UW 2 aake A ly E J T L J JL desperate asi wives W V es have ken been known to holl boa their husbands pipes authority olover of over strong tobacco bitgood bye byc s time those husbands discovered sir walter raleigh Ws s favorite ing mixture it s a blend of choice to a surpassing eldness and flavor and wrapped in gold foil to keep heep and fragrant wives positively love it BROWN williamson TOBACCO corporation lo Kent hinting shy SIR WALTER RALEIGH smoking tobacco ats milder Han fords balsam of myrrh since 1846 has promoted for man and beast all dulen dealers ate are authorized to rotund refund your money lor for the tha lint first bottle battle if 11 not suited lulled efficient are office girls as good as office boys bois seem to fill the bill ns its well many of them can whistle louisville cour ter ier journal retain your u r go 0 d xo boks 0 ks pow flow f frequently tl a woman thinks am as I 1 attractive how much thought and study she devotes z f to her r bookal 1 0 0 k 11 natural A woman hates to ta think the she is growing day by day acal less cilip charming ming an and attractive DR P PIERCES I 1 E R C E I 1 S FAVORITE prescription helps to serve in a woman the charm and preserve gre health ath of youth it contains no harmful ingredient this splendid herbal tonic is sold by all druggists in both fluid and tablets write to dr pierces invalids hotel buffalo N 1 Y if you desire free medical advice for loc dr pierce will tend end you a trial package of tablets ailt CLAMME 31 GOULEY scott was ivas specializing in electrotherapy electro therapy tor for treatment of rheumatism neuritis diseases of liver and stomach axa examination m I 1 nation made mad e by blood test and laboratory finding free consultation conr to lo LATCH CITY UTAH |