Show UVE LIVE LA ML NEWS mr and mrs eld edd and edd and merrill men ill stevens left for salt lake where they will attend the ford school which is being held this week miss mim no nornia rina dee kirkham and elva vinn linh motored to moab saturday tile the cross cress il II sewing club met at tit the e ra lancki n oil house tuesday evening for i heir weekly meeting A del delicious delici oua supper was served 11 mis bruce llis song spent the rs end tit nl la sal her husband mho ho is 13 working at big indian mrs evelyn bayles is spending the week with ith her laughter daughter mrs airs edd stevens who is ill at this time with mith Il mumps lumps the attendance ett at school durin during the past week has dropped considerably due to the epidemic of mumps which is raging in ili lu la sal mrs etta ralston of big indian ferit pint sunday visiting her parents |