Show news notes its a privilege to live in U A H LOGAN clear and cold is cache valleys weather allotment the ther thermometer dometer reg registered 42 degrees below zoro at lewiston Lewt ston and 32 below a at logan tuesday night and wednesday it was 28 degrees below zero in logan OGDEN report ot of the output ot of 34 canneries representing 20 companies in the state stata of utah shows cases representing approximately last year according to figures released by robert 0 nye secretary of the utah canners association PRICE A reward ot of 20 has been offered by the carbon county fish and game association to anyone who submits evidence leading to the conviction ot of any hunter killing pheasants or quail A nu number m ber ot of the birds have been killed 0 off ff recently e according to 0 acord head ot of the committee SALT LAKE utah in 1929 produced over pounds ot of excellent honey practically one halt half of which was exported out ot of the state D W hillman hallman Hlll man state apiarist declared in an address before the twelfth annual meeting utah state beekeepers Bee keepers association which was wa held at the newhouse hotel LEHI roads into cedar valley remained blocked throughout u ghost tuesday the task ot of dealing clearen g them going slowly and many miles yet for tho the second consecutive night the friend and relative ot of the cedar valley students a attending t the lehl lehi high schools cared tor for the marooned children monticello during the past week some SOO turkeys were delivered to the utah poultry producers association at the moab garage warehouse tor for the january trade due to the heavy storms throughout out the county some farmers were unable e to deliver their birds and the shipment was much lighter than expected PROVO the annual fish and pane game rep report ort of the uintah national forest registers elk 1976 1975 deer and black or brown bear in this district the report shows decreases in some species and the entire extermination ot of 40 head ot of mountain sheep because of th the transfer of the granddaddy lakes lake district to the wasatch forest SALT LAKE water prospects tor for the state are much better now than at this time last year according to information available in tho tha office ot of the state engineer and the tha state highway offices measurements on utah lake show that there were acre feet more water la in the lake january 1 1930 than on january 1 1929 SALT LAKE over two million pounds ot of tho the 1029 1929 crop of turkeys were shipped to eastern markets by the utah poultry producers association cia tion it was learned recently with the announcement that the january turkey pool ot of the association totals seven carloads or pounds the shipments of the 1929 crop nearly doubled a record which no western state has come near to reaching SALT LAKE utah shipped a approximately p carloads of fruits and vegetables in 1929 as compared with carloads in 1928 according to the annual report of leonard 8 S fenn supervising inspector ot of the state and federal federa 1 shipping point inspection service in utah this was waa a decrease in the total number ot of cars shipped but an increase in the number for which the inspect tion service was used VERNAL the severe weather Is causing hundreds ot of quail and pheasants to seek shelter on farms and in barnyards within the city limits the vernal gun and rifle club boy scout troops farmers and individual residents of 0 vernal are co operating in feeding the birds sacks of screenings are being sent to all communities ot of the county Sheep men are compelled to haul feed t to 0 their desert flocks because the snow Is crusted LO LOGAN GAN golden raleight Ra leighs dorothy a purebred jersey cow in the herd of the utah agricultural college has completed another official production test in which she yielded pounds of butterfat and pounds of milk in days dorothy was started on test when she was 5 years and 11 in months of age and with this record again qualified tor for the register ot of merit of tho the american jersey cattle club OGDEN W it anderson weber county fish and game warden to reported por ed recently that lie he had found lamber a ri number of birds dead as the result of freezing the birds included quail Jay jaybirds birds and pheasants they were found in the foothills east ot of osden ogdon the death ot of the birds Is attributed to the tact fact that they have not been getting sufficient food A largo large number of 0 game birds have been fei fad during the recent cold snap but it has been found impossible to care toy 01 all ot them |