Show PERSONAL COMMENT i ON OH MENT CURRENT TOPI TOPICS CS A cream station and egg paIl lt plant in would be ir arv great stimulant to the farmers of thip this part rt cf the county to increase their dairy herds and chicken a flocks should U id swift decide to put aich such a plant here wo we have lave nu no doubt acut tit that it would be a paying investment tight light ironi from the start 1 according to the latest newspaper dispatches there is a big fight on in the united states senate agai against fist the confirmation of tho ilia appointment of of I 1 chas E hughes na as chief Justi justice ceTto to succeed d aim 11 II tait taft senator senate r borah c of idaho lias has taken U up p tile the cudgel adgil against hughes ll and u unless 11 lobs we miss our guess the gentleman will note confirmed A fi it it may be a I 1 good thin thing for chicago ot ill it has gone broke F from rom th ahr way the business men of 0 tf the a al city ay iy ve gotten behind a ino movement emont t to 0 clean cut tile the racketeers and bootleggers lis s well as other kinds of graft they are arc determined to thoroughly dense the ilia cites skirts shirts of the 0 rob that has attached to it forscy eral years cars past more power A and d to them ji I 1 the canyon city penitentiary break has assumed such proportions that magazine eire sa being writt ert moral moralizing izing on the treatment of ans oncas ancis in our oui jails throughout the th county they talk of idleness as b 1 arg arg tile incentive to the breaks anc an 1 such rot lot as that eat but how do these writers reconcile idleness with the smuggling of weapons and dynamite dyna mits into prisons do thought the 11 glit waves g go out and inform then their friends of 0 their feelings ind and suggest ways of helping g them with their attempts j j 41 the union pacific has or old clod another search for foi maurie maun e G iiii r liam hain the mail pilot who ft ho has been missing for foi more moie than a month the search was ordered on the report that jio flare of a rocket locket had bad been sen ten cr miles from aiom caliente Cili ente nev wet west cin an air express officers ceis have nave little hope lope of success in the effort although the pilot had such flares with him it f is is possible however that someone has las found the ship and has sent up abe flares even though the piot pilot is is lead dead lyv Is there a barnier f aimer in in tile county who would nut irot rather be at the side of or 01 no near n a rood good highway hip hway which is kept in fit i good state of repair till all the year cai cind thin than to be situated at such t u distin 0 thit that he would have lave to plow mud or ci snow for foi a mile or 01 two in in bid bad weather to reach the road loid the county commissioners are aie now nov engaged in ili on nn effort to have lave the tillet to the lights or of way to the propos ou TO load rd cist from monticello si signed up tight light way amay so n tant ns as soon as tile the cthel weather ct hei permits pel nuts this spun the state can sol get busy ili in gilding tile the highway on the survey the quick q ev ci this can re ole dino the quicker will the h road load be built the united states and inc great britain aln me are willing to abolish the us lisp oc 01 U boits boats from the navies of the world but fr intile I 1 11 C a ind and japan consider them ne cesary for defensive fonsie de ei Every crie knotts tint that during a war wai the contending aninies will use whatever w weapon capon they have to lo overcome oci ove como rome their enemies and no to humanize war wai will bo be more moie thin than a scrap of paper when a war is is really on when france fiance and japan talk of humanized use or of the U hoat boat tile anord humanized has n much differ rt bound to ahn ii K p pr pie tari tl in tint that which inch chev wish wih there is la no animal inn nl po eo mercenary and inconsiderate in tin the world as the bunian anari ird ard anything humanly used ti ov 0 i MINI tin an adv emary will bo be used to the damage th thit it it cw can c w be put to |