Show human emotion based on electric current Is love simply the result of electrical attraction ultra atlon Is the human body bod a nn L electric battery tint tory and our life energy enera and vitality dependent on liow how 8 trong strong n current we create A doctor has stirred up tremendous discussion by declaring that chemical activity in the colls cells of tile the human budy body produces electricity that this electricity maintains the life process and flint lack inch of it finally causes death lie ile believes the human current tins hns a great influence over nil our emotions including love and thinks this may explain why by certain people ore art to one another or vice versa A famous electrical expert says we have never isolated tills current all and d the laws of elect are not well known hut but we have ninny many proofs that tills this current exists the alie body produces electricity in a score of different ways at every muscular contraction or irritation of a nervous center there are ara vibrations lint liberals tills this mysterious power pov cr tile the least movement of it m muscle produces electricity for every heartbeat there Is a corresponding oscillation lation of tile galvanometer needle 11 |