Show BLANDING N NEWS NOTES HEID HEI D 91 alp NU death en ends ds suffering of blanding resident in salt lake airs mis adneda B lyman who for f or many years has bein been A a resia resident les ident ell i af pf f blanding passed pass d away at the L D 13 hospital in salt la lake ke C city ty J june un e 1 iett at h b death came as a merciful messenger ar ending several years of intense inte nse but patient suffering from ca cancer ricer funeral services were held frida friday morning june at i ten clock in in biandino BI landing anding directed by marvin jones of tre the ward bishopric the speakers were kurnen kumen jones A R lyman and president wayne waynea eH H redd appropriate pro prop pHate musical selections were rendered by the choir mrs airs lyman was born at fruitland froitland Fruit land new mexico in 1891 in may 1910 the family moved to blanding where she was united in marriage to alton lyman except for a few yearb spent in mayfield utah mr and mrs lyman have lived in blanding mrs mis laman is survived by hr her parents mr and mrs D B black several brothers and sisters besides her husband and the following children mrs eva L shumway clifford chloe la and clyde lyman all of blanding the sympathy ot of the entire corn coni is extended to the bereaved husband and other members of the family an infer interesting esting argument was staged in the elders class at sunday school last sunday reverend end grant L bayles argued against the rest of the class that there is no resurrection the proceedings of the morning brought class members to realia that they know little or nothing of the bible and if rev bayles coms comes again he be will f find ind his opponents better bette r prepared mis airs hattie R barton returned home a few days ago from visiting hr mother at salt lake city A laige number of people have ben been at salt lake during the pas past t week attending the annual convention mr air ddn mrs ray lyman were in i n grand giand junction last week on on busi business nesb an added feature of the ward waid relief society is the question box for young mothers mo theis this gives the young borin women oi nen an opportunity to discuss their problems awl obtain advice mrs hazel and miss margarct lymar lyman motored to thompson saturday to met meet mis airs Lyn hymans ians sister margaret bowen of cortez who ho aas ins been attending the university of utah miss bowen spent sunday and monday with etith her hei sistr sister mrs mis marion is visiting her patents parents mr air and mrs wayne H rodd redd zeke johnson is with us again his daughter katherne is spending her two weeks vacation with her sisters in blanding miss carlie wright entertained at a lawn party at the home of mis airs garda adams the honored guests gucas were ailene jones afton redd ani and rosemond hurst A phonograph on the porch furnished music throughout tho the evening delicious refreshments were served by the hostess miss donna nielson of bluff wag was visiting dot dora a and nedra hurst here last week pes and Ms wayne H redd came the home last wednesday bringing their air daughter bernice Be inice miss redd has been in school at the B Y U for the past two years and graduated iron from a two year normal course this spring everone seems anxious to leave leave colvil at least over the weekends week ends mrs mra george hurst with her little girls georganne and dalmar and caroline lyman spent friday and saturday Satu iday at the saw mill they returned sunday bi bringing ginging margie hurst who isto is to visit for fora a few days with her C grandmother brandmo th er wright i TOI A large number of boys and girls lashed dashed for bluff and the swimming pool sunday afternoon misses beverly and connie perkins have returned turned le from their visit at bluff ted Galbrait Galbralth li and wes mcallister are employed at provo where they to go to school next winter the surveyors supervision of robert C are back agan and ivady for work mr din and mrs ray lyman mr air and airs mi a lynn lyman mr and mrs ervin eivin palmer mr and mrs airs francis jones and margaret Marga iet bowen answered tho the call cal of the wild last sunday and spent the afternoon near the old stevens sawmill arthur aithur rogers and curtis jones spent two days shopping and sightseeing in grand giand junction last week A pajama party was given on the lawn lan at the home of douglas harvey J uno ll 11 by the B G club in honor of aro new members A delic delicious idus buffet aupper was served the evening and t the gp vee ee small hours were spent in much 1 ch h flarity and fun such as stealing each others beds etc afe ve hope the he neighbors were not disturbed before adore the party broke up at seven a in jardon cardon jones iad had knothe attack attach of of appendicitis tuesday he went to 1 l the Cortez hospital tuesday morn mom jn ing jn in colu company pany of merion jones and anna anna jones bardons cai Car dons mother hook line and sinker a show L lynn lyman was determined to see played ayed at cortez sunday and mondy monday lucky luc ky for lynn miss MissAl Marga argaret iet bowen owen happened along looking for a rw ride lieme home lynn and his wife mi ali an and CAIrs mrs ervin eivin palmer went to take miss bowen and saw hook li line 11 e and sinker the chicken roasts around here are all al afen ifen hen another one was staged af last wednesday there was a larger crowd attending than usual from all reports enorata there must have ben been plenty to 0 batand eat and everyone had a good time |