Show A N annexed to the united states by albert R lyman during the years in which tl tle lutei atea held out against the united st states a ie 3 0 they killed moie ore than forty white men in san ijuan an county tha older pf af the head of the mormon church which bi ought brought the first chite set tiers into the country made it binding on those settlers to jive in pea peace ce with the ille indians and with this obligation they swallowed their anger ngee for a multitude of injuries and not one of their pum number er ayas was killed billed by the utes but the settlers lost ase horses cattle sheep edep camp outfits supplies or 01 anything left unguarded day or nighat they framed complaints for the I 1 in 1 juries duries they suffered they appealed to the courts to the state to thu general government they praye played M for the strong arm of uncle sam to annex san juan cai county with its iti rugged rocks locks and ancient holda to the united states slates I 1 of course couise the arm of the law reach reaca ed ti tre tie e settlers their hands were extended to leev it but these wina people among thu thia rocks as mairle dogs disappear disa diesu pear dowal their holes aft fitche te first fai st sign of danger i they were still a as s far li fi orn om we the united states as if they lived p on wine remote island of the pacific it became a qu question eltion of how long ij law v and anarchy could live side by side sid I 1 tha complaints and appeals or of settlers vels 03 in vain and life bt be came a Iea heavier vierl burden each year yar they had been asked not to figh 1 but who should aa d enforce the ganv lawt their pe peace ce p policy 81 cy had become a joke with the U Utes tee abw who ho doted on it as license to continuously gysi mati cally and exultantly the of ga scott awa awaken keit 1 ed some hope but the utes forgot i and the hie whites despaired ot of it ever leing being repeated poke and his notorious son held n Win winchester chster in a farmers face half an hour telling him everything thy they knew in the way of abuse because he e found them putting horses in his field at night and complaint about this kind of outrage amounted to ab nothing the utes knew it and boasted 0 of f it posey declared that lie he hid had a devine immunity to any bullet the cormons mormons might fire file at him he said no matter how well aimed the bullet it would not penetrate his dis body the fact of the matter was after all the cormons mormons had endured without retaliation ic he figured there could be no thing as fici r ever aiming at him 1 I the affair affairs 1 of san juan move moved to this tune for forty doity six years no in I 1 di cation yet yat and no reason to hope anyone would come soon from outside to champion the cause of I 1 hw n and order older and make inae it reach beyond the comb reef two ute boys had robbed a sheep crimp camp it was vas an all old stoby and t ere was a struggle gle to prosecute prose g them t which was also an old story no one had bad any faith that the prosecution would get to first base they con ducted the trill trial in the basement of a 1 I school building in ili blending Bland mg andi andi posey was there with his automatic i under his big arm and his race giors with a saddle and the long range gun just outside the door and posy was telling the boys all forenoon foie noon not to submit to anything and to break away with the first chance that his horse and his guna were at their disposal of course he said all this inthe in the whispered wisp cred ered or lutteral gut teral idiom lot ute freemasonry and it was not understood kypke by tha court but tie the boys drank biank in overy every word cord of it at the boon loori interval that au automatic to r was fired at the sheriff but the bullet struck hi his s horses neck al also so poseys sorrel son el horsa orsa carried one of the boys and in less time than it takes to tell it there was racing and chasing and fi uproar and leo co motion there was mounting ing in hot haste baste and steed tle the shouted word find and the tight fight was wag on and into the heart of every white settler came came the ic solute weve stood this sort of thing long enough P Th the white ewhite men snatched their guns and hit out for tie the hills and anda rocks as they had never donz dons before but posey figured they were rushing to their waterloo Wat eiloo as the army at soldier crossing and he waited in ambash with his long range gun to pick them iff when a car load of air men rushed down the road to cut off his retreat r le he aimed in one shot to do jor for all three einke inthe back seat and he missed them by six inches the bullet crashing ing thiu the car also alsa a horse was ahot hot brorn under johney rogers but he 46 hal vanc on and men rushed ver from in in time they louii ded up every ute that could be found and drove them int hita th ohp basement of that sebol schol buil dinc din jor for safe keeping they camped hot on ii the trail of posey a and nd his gang in such a way as asto to chill the blood in ili the kahute ute veins and that is exa exactly atly nv what h a t I 1 it i t d did I 1 d especially after a one of the outlaw boys had bad ben been shot from chis horse ard and another bullet aimed at posey led had not lot turned out around hini him worth woith a cent and behold the utes liar had lost tah first man on comb reef the trusted ea eastrin torn rim lim of the ang angle e more moie disheartening still posey had gone golle clear behind th reef leef and into the big rocks of its sine ire retreat reheat when a long range iange bullet caught him in in the hip as lie he rode rod fuchic under his horses neck tho the pursuing pui suing party rode lode on oil without wit out hesitation or compromise in 0 one le place pace they scared scaled tile the utes jutes away from a hot breakfast and ate it themselves in ili another place ticy they pressed pleased them so closely closel V than when a running ute lest his shoe ho he made no stop tp get it it simply struck terror to the beart of et every one of them of what safety were the rocks an an y more mere I 1 they gave up un the whole business of them except excepting in g cosey and jai J bishops bo I 1 were placed in in a barbed wire bull pen at blending blanding pending some wy t 0 r adjustment il aus ament of this old outlaw c element lement V the utes themselves were ready for something different ready to be annexed to tho the united states too joe bishop the tha father of the boy who had bad been killed said when you want any of us again come and get us v ve e wont run and we wont fight wall v 1 surrender ader it is ia unnecessary to exault over mic death dath of posey and the miss guided youth worse wore wen inen the then they ail have ve developed under more favorable developed ei circumstances curns s ilam but that determined fight against the little uto band has resulted in ili moie good for them thein than tiran anything that has happened agthen to tG then for Pen centuries with pheband the band rounded up in ill a poll pen and nd under lebei mined guard night slid and day it became the duty and tile the pleasure of the government t to take A mthm em over anil and begin transforming theeril them into real human beings the ragged vitiated little band was given givan supervision and medical atte their children ca capi fully fed and prop properly eily dressed were sent ao to school anti and one visiting their classes I 1 fail to see that they ard are a prom pro isains missing lot of youngsters th like mus music leand and art and athletic games game s and have given a surprising account of capacities hidden under the rags and ignorance of their ancestors all these years I 1 and as to the old indians who once figured they were their own own law and the rocks tl heir defence they have made a splendid discovery that uncle sam is more mighty than their most impregnable stronghold strong bold and better stilli that he is not an enemy albut a most wonderful friend |