Show BORN OF WAR it is IB difficult yet to value accurately or in some instances to perceive all the war has brought to our oar national life or pruned from it the things we ne think little now may appear to 0 posterity the greatest the thrift thrisi stamp idea seems to be one of these originated as a war emergency measure it has taken hold has appealed to the common sense of america and iid may yet shape the destiny of the nation 1 it is patent now that the aarli ar 15 oyer over that the thrift stamp has cejp come to stay it we ne get nothing else elsa out ol of the war but the habit of saving which begets the corollary simple living aie we will have reaped the full fruit of the war for a thrifty democracy Is IB a firm democracy a potent democracy a democracy strong enough to preserve itself A man who saves eaves Is a better citizen calia than the man who does not save ui he becomes a stockholder in hla his gavern government and he Is jealous for the welfare of that government in war and in p peace ace in war he will tight fight tor for it t with his life in peace he will protect it from those who would tear down doin As america saves eaves from this day on so shall she grow in benign power and in the eyes of mankind A bank account for every american citizen should be one of our national slogan the thrift and war savings sa stamp idea is freighted with a mighty eng change for the better in our national life the thrift stamp Is ie backed by the united states government without W without doubt it Is the greatest investment ever offered and it la Is in such a form that every american big and little can take advantage 0 it |