Show reports modern health crusade Crus fide a success in utah the national tournament in health knighthood is on oil all over the united states boys and girl in public and private schools dundr hundreds eds of thousands of them are checking up tip on their performance for mance of certain daily health chor choren rea each is trying to keep a perfect score so that she or he rilay may attain to the progressive ranks and badges of page squire knight and knight and also i to help his or of her class school and state to win the much desired banners ban neis more than twenty thousand contestants have been enrolled in utah as modern health crusaders and are entered for far the tournament the schools in many districts are still closed on account of the influenza butt but for that fact several thousand more would have been enrolled the state director of the utah legion of modern health crusaders alers announces that utah is in in the tournament to win a national banner the state legion will also award banners to the schools and classes that have the best record forth for the state each crusader pledges to try 1 to keep the crusaders health ru rules 1 eto 2 to do nothing that may hurt tile the health of any other r person and 3 to help keep home and town tonn clean ile he is given a folder folded on which are printed eleven health chores as I 1 follows fol lowa 11 1 I 1 washed my hands before each meat meal today 21 2 I 1 washed no not tonly only my face but my ears and neck fieck and cleaned my fingernails finger nails nam tada today y 31 3 I 1 tried today to keep an and d e everything CC 0 d on p page a four t A 1 REPORTS MODERN HEALTH 1 1 CRUSADE A SUCCESS IN UTAH continued from first page that might be unclean out of my mouth and nose 4 41 1 I 1 drank a glass of water before each meal and before going to bed and di drank ank no tea coffee nor other urious drinks drink today 5 1 I rushed brushed b my teeth thoroughly in the morning and evening today 6 1 I took tok ten or more slow deep breaths of fresh air today 7 1 I played outdoor or with windows open more than thirty minutes today 8 I 1 was in ill bed ten hours or more last night and kept my window open 9 1 I tried today to sit up and stand up straight to eat slowly and to attend to toilet and each need of my body at its regular time 10 I 1 tried toddy today to keep neat and cheerful constantly and to the be helpful to others I 1 11 I 1 I 1 took a full bath on each dav of the week that is checked following each chore are spaces in which to check each day that afie chore is ii performed this record is tobe to be pinned up in iii some convenient place and the chores checked off as performed and then taken to the teacher with the parents signature the spirit of competition is seimu by appropriate recognition of faithfulness |