Show AT THE CAPITOL i when lion bequest est was ns mode one lie dai d lat hist aek for foi suspension or of me rules lilies or of tile the senate to lierni penult lt of llie file introduction of bills senator glaim gine gave notice that hereafter if any nin midi request were ere biado lie ile would object unless tile title ot of the bill was ns sli billit tell list first and the seli liti was given eunity built lui lt to determine dali hinline inline the linnit niva us tire anas worthy of oc introduction members of tile holle worked oi koil nt lit top speed on oil february IT 17 end when lin they adjourned dortly before 0 u clock they liml had passed it i ler of mell dellmire mire on oil to tile soni lp all and lind had iniss ril two iwo bonate which now non go ti it tile governor goMi noi foi ills his approval six hl new flow willell introduced most 0 or them of special In to rural diat tracts one of then aliouse bill no US by 1 the hie joint committee on oil aarl culture iq 1 tile lie bill prepared by tho the state water rights commission authorizing government irrigation projects anil and finking several important changes clia ngoi and additions to the irrigation anil and di t Ira linage drainage laws material change lit in the state jn juven enlie enile court were approved ly by flu ill house lit in amending and passing house bill no 07 67 hy by representative arthur welling education floor lender leader in the house the llie house houe passed the lie bill 1111 ly by cepro tentative senta tive T D D menny making provi slon for farm and home demonstration work lit in the state the bill 1111 recognizes officially the state farin buresti line nii us it tho the ogency through which lil cli tills this work voik Is to it be done under suspension of the rules it IIII hill was ns introduced in UK tile senate on nn february 17 by 1 senator providing lor for till creation of it a state reat estate commission and for tile llie bond ins ing find licensing of real estate brokers all and agents in ili the state of butali the house lins has approved senator Cl cheas icis mp measure asure providing pr for foi tile aliu weighing of coal ts nt tile destination thin ti tion where truck track scales sanles me are pro pio adril and nt at the nearest track it to thi the destination in case ans e there tire im sit track scales sanles tit nt the station where lie shipment Is going alii ol ii the killing of Il by railroad trains will he be hold held prima facie acle eyl 1 dence of negligence on tile p piri iri irl ot of the railroad it 1 the seante now approves appi opi of oc house bill no 34 by musters maters ulilis was as passed in ill tha conver brunch branch on february rebr uary IT 17 |