Show 0 v T 5 there T PK ere and there am sunday was british day and all meetings were given to honor great britian and her part in the world war the speakers for the afternoon services were A R lyman L H redd jr hardy redd W H redd and E T thompson ton ten of our soldier boys left wednesday morning for cane springs to work on the new post road maude jones entertained the boys of the and their parents last monday evening at her home the evening was spent with games music and light refreshments fresh ments W G shutt the plumber arrived in town monday and is installing the heating system and plumbing fixtures in the home of francis nielson the heating plant has been on tha th road for sixty days and the bath room fixtures have been longer than that the heating plant for the rew new meeting house is on the grounds and the fitters will start work in the next few days ahe be soldier boys of the town were entertained on tuesday evening at the home of ezekiel johnson the evening was spent in dancing games music and refreshments two more mor e of our soldier boys came home wednesday they are william young and merle hyde ethel tyman entertained on thursday evening at a quilting bee I 1 two vo quilts were made and a likht lunch was served those present were melba ashton clara walker effie adams adam s minnie redd louis rogers bertha rogers irene redd ivy black carlie cariie adams neta washburn annie redd edd clarice nix attorney geo A cole has been in town this week on business blanding was visited by blizzard on thursday night nigh and tand about one inch of snow fell |