Show legislative NOTES an net act providing profiling for foi a aisic eight hour day in the industries of the state and nn an net act compelling employers to their employed emp in loyes one IK days dm s rt list each eek cek were mere passed on oil february 18 by bj tin tile lower lopi house bouse of the Seli alor joeph cheas 1111 regulating ilie hit anil aenoi of i maternity hospitals in ili utah was ns un nn sly 1 pissed used 1 sed on it final reading loading ili 11 tho the I 1 house bouse of the legislature logli lieuie on oil lebrini leb enry nini IS and ant went to lo the lower lover house ful for and action by li I 1 he an ali limet to the hie corporation compoi consi cense it t w Is proposed in hollie bill no anti inti by li representative heber Benil loll of daggett county it from the Ile ello tit tax In insurance urance coul religious charitable nud anil organization corporations ot for foi pecuniary ellet anni or 01 ii kiil liil atlon coni pailles or 01 cor 01 pont tons operated by b tile federal government feo ern ment the llie hou lious liouc passed senate nate hill bill 0 NO o 70 by bj senator allan alinn T of salt lake authorizing lying cities towns and counties comi ties to issue bonds tor for the con of to men witto mo have served lit in the if tin till gov go arnor approves appi of this measure in it will be for foi the communities of the state to aulse funds for foi memorials lit in honor of their heroes the llie tion mons meng tire lire presented pro tented by b seanior olson Is lie be ing vigorously opposed oppose 1 by 1 some lome ibern heis bers who ho clatin claim the in ensure Is too red lad teal lit aind will mill prove a detriment to pm em pl senator olson declares the measure Is it a tell stop forward lit in tle the amelioration of tile the condition of the working 01 kins classes clashes A bill 1111 to compel officials of the lie state end of and alt ity to have hae their printing don done lit in tile lie stale into was ns introduced in ili the lower house of tile llie under its provisions plo such officials could not let printing contracts to linns firms outs olit side lile the if the HIP avora lie le done doile licit here except in ease it a reasonable price pi ice could not be mccin i d another holiday la Is to ile bo added to the number now lit in cutali if the bi 1111 I 1 I 1 it in I 1 ti ced by b representative quillia Is passed under the lie provisions of ills hn Il nien leasure sim the dutli di lay of oc october known knon it ns columbus columbu day da Is added to the holidays lit in the state making ten pit le loil holidays in ili addition to sundays the house special committee to investigate vesti gate anil and report leport upon the subject 0 of f school taxation Is now nou wrea illig with that khouy knott problem pio blem following the i rejection ejection by tile the house of the bill on tills this subject offered by bi the joint committee on oil education |