Show the county farm bureaus and county agents of utah were able to render very ery valuable aid to the farmers in in crop standardization it appears appeals from a recent lecent report leport on oil county agent work just prepared pie pared by dr R J evans of the extension division ion of the utah agricultural college many utah coan counties ties chose as projects foi farm faim bureau work crop stand ariza tion in in an ail effort to determine the best beat varie varieties tiei of crops to plant in in various localities cali ties in many counties these pr objects have been running i uniting for several years and results already obtained possess great value up to the present pie sent these tests test have shown that he russett burbank potato is is the high er yie for southern utah counties and brings the best price prica that the silver king is the best variety of corn for districts with a long growing season that improved learning is better for shorter seasons and that white flint and northwestern dent are most successful in colder climates that marquis wheat is probably best for spring dry land while new zealand california club and defiance are probably best for irrigated farms and that swedish california club and deflect oats is probably best for utah conditions many farmers in connection with the county agents are running breeding plants for seed with a 1 view to improving local seed the agents and farm bureaus C continued inked on page four BEST VARIETIES OF PLANT SHOWN BEST VARIETIES OF SEED TO PLANT SHOW continued continue d front from first pg page aided 2486 farmers who were were unable to obtain sufficient iek high class seed tocarra to tb carry sarry 01 out it their program for increased production on in securing bushels of seed wheat oats cerii corn barley potatoes and beans iwo hundred and aid ninety farmers were aided by the county agents in planning definite systems of crop rotation suited to their local needs very extensive work was accomplished in crop pest control in weed control projects miles of roads miles of railroads and 78 miles of canals were cleaned of weeds while on acres of farm land the weeds were eradicated in grasshopper control as a result of work personally conducted by the county agents with definitely measured results I 1 acres of crops were treated with poisoned bran mash with a net saving of throughout out the state as a result of a 0 grasshopper control campaign pounds of mash were used by 1504 operating cooperating co farm ers on acres of land with i an estimated saving of it was definitely proved by cooperating coo perating agents and I 1 farmers that the alfalfa weevil can be controlled by cultivation and dragging by treating 1070 0 acres there was secured a net increase in hay amounting to in cutworm control contro 1 was saved by poison mash balls bails and by dr aging |