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Show WEEDLECRAFT PATTERNS A Stuffed Bunny for Kiddies Our new. Improved pattern make oe die work 10 simple with Its charts, pflotoa, concise directions. Sewing Circle Heedleeraft Dept. 564 W. Randolph St. Cblckp . HL Knclose 20 cents lor patter. No . Name MAKE this joyful toy for your youngster! Funny Bunny is such a cheerful companion, all dressed up, too. He's easy sewing. Stuffed bunny, fine tor birthday or bazaar! ba-zaar! Pattern S6S has transfer of toy. clothes patterns. ijSJ. Get Well Ml QUICKER ? Fnm Caws VJa Dm m Cofri cai i:v'CHon,T,r rUUbl O Cough Compowtd ToaH be proud of JPl I four utronct " huiky oMldra w V when you g-ire uV. 1 them Seett's m& . ! daft Sortt't la VjfCf, f a "gold mine sf .HW , '-j' ,L ,m.. 1 eMtwroJAAD n"n,il 1 1,n tlB" Vitamins and ertT-tralldlac aataial fL Helps ehildrB grew right, sound teeth stroB Was. f Helps ward off eolda when tfcer laek enovch AAD Tltaaitw food, Many doctors rwommaa4 it. Economical. Bar tnaey at your drug rfcore. MORE than first a tonSc iff powrhJ nourithmntl AUSSIE ? U soamts yTTT"! Quick re,ie wi,h IRRITATED K r. 1 MENTHO LATUM I AlMgRAfJ?..Ai N Don-f give in to hesd-cold C V ! nJ Mentnolatum' famous combi- Jiw Jgjl V!n nation of menthol, camphor JryaJf' jCVgci-r ) and other fast-acting ingredl- yjzy. jTjThi entne'pth'nou't'c'"nucui V " 3 I"0 congestion and swelling, fcY , 1 ; soothe smarting nostrils. Soon j fA ' 'Ann'is. jJTl soreness eases up, head starts j UNCORKS fSJ' 1 dear. V" e" brtatbt mgsim 1 stuff 7pv j incomiort-v b?ttAaftlfi1t..-&JK,J- hMSBWatMMMMaWMMsaiMSMiaHaMWatsMsMsS |