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Show PATTERN$JkA SEWING ORC it smoothly through the waistline. There are three buttons closing the top and four patch pockets. This new length jacket fits well down over the hips and the skirt follows a gently flaring line below. be-low. It's a frock to make now in plaid wools, it will be suit-like in gabardine or corduroy, espeally when worn with the crisp .'hite dickey. Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1473-B Is designed de-signed for sizes 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20. Corresponding Cor-responding bust measurements 30, 32, 34, 36 and 38. Size 14 (32) with short sleeves, requires 4 yards 35-inch material, 3 yards 54-inch material, sa yard 35-inch material for dickey. Send your order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 149 New Montgomery Street San Francisco CaUf. Enclose 15 cents for each pattern. Pattern No Size Name Address rfl W ?Cfi WHITfOROIANTYCUOW . mSRfccT 'popping Ky "12 ' CONDITION- evepy iLZjl P5rpSFT?T? TIN POPS ENORMOUS i KJrfl mJmuM "When the shopping list is long, and the purse none too full, cigarettes ciga-rettes and smoking tobacco come to the front as ideal gifts for the holiday season. The welcome they get from any smoker is all out of proportion to their modest cost. That's why Camel America's favorite fa-vorite cigarette, and Prince Albert Al-bert Smoking Tobacco the National Na-tional Joy Smoke rank as leading gifts on the Christmas shopping lists. Dealers are featuring the Camel carton ten packs of "20's" and a novel Camel package of four "flat fifties," also Prince Albert Al-bert in the pound tin and the pound glass humidor all specially special-ly gift packaged. Adv. CfALL sewing will be taken up " with renewed interest when this pattern comes into your house! This two piecer is a style of many uses to be interpreted in various materials! It is smart, wonderfully wonder-fully comfortable and, as every woman knows, kind to the figure. fig-ure. Pattern No. 1473-B is espe-:ially espe-:ially successful as it offers the new longer top, with darts fitting i anil i iir ii liitf in iMini 1 In rr--tiwriMir ( rt ik ' iiin nim im tn mi "The oftener you eat it the better you rf&fwGL")! will like it" has been heard countless W0ytJ&i times, and it contains the vital elements to a balanced diet. prfc-Jp Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Phosphorus, VL and Calcium remain in "Cream of the &!?ffi1f5? , West" in their natural state. fw Buy a package from your grocer and yZf3Sl j) treat your family to a delicious cooked V cereal. It has a flavor all its own. MONTANA CEREAL CO. Billings, Montana ; diafoasnfr crmsjJME-J 1 ..'ir 200 ROOMS-RADIOS FOR EVERY ROOM S jl 'r All West xposim Rooms Air-Comlitioaei I Caragt ' ftil' NEW sso 000 ,,"""" Service j coffee shop ,;'(;,-1' V S I SEND SOMETHING ytj - 1 ,','J EASY TO Y 1 IDA SOLDIER, f REMEMBER. . f SEND A CARTON Y, " f CAMELS j I OF CAMELS. J a f 1 S j ARE MV 1 THEY RE FIRST '" 7 FAVORITE, TOO. j f N with us ZzL 50 C00L AN0 v Actual sales records In Post Exchanges -; v i- n y ' Jfc- ' r teOy S y. .: and Canteens sho- Camels are the fa- - i v . , " 1 -jfi- . , fcj. . 1 1 :: j vorite with men Lu the Army, Navy, p : -v: -" , ' Z.J -vi--"- :": .-y Marines, and Coast Guard. W C k' "wy THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS CCNTAJNS pi 28 LESS NIGOIBFJE ffM than the average of the 4 other larftest-selllng cigarettes tested less than SVs any of them according to independent scientific tests of the smoke irwolf! r'C ' vJj fililiLi TKE clGflRETTE CF COSTLIER TOBACCOS |