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Show City Women's BowIinpr Tournament At the end of three days bowling bow-ling in the City Women's tourna-i ment at the Southeast Courts, Madge Garton is leading the All events field with a 1039 total in singles and doubles. Her 537 singles is high series bowled to date and places her at the top of Class A with 511 in her singles, and paired with Francis Collier, they hold high doubles score of 1054. High in Class B doubles are Sid Evans and Anne Andersen Ander-sen with 985, and in Class C Sid Evans has 522 for high singles. The douuble team of Collins and Weis has 851 for high spot in Class C. The tourament is proceeding according to schedule with a large field still to play, so many upsets may be xepected. Team bowling begins on Friday with 20 teams competing in the various var-ious classes throughout the week end. |