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Show ihii mmwmw -. ---..-"ii.pjii m.i,iiiiuim-iipii mi wp-y, ,n nnnyii!, tnummmnyi nwymn ip m iummiwiiw jw nmwuuj iy n immiu yuyiun w ni.uyi nmmui d iuii.iii)iuhuiiiiiu i uu iniowjwuu ' t v ?n "frt" 1 1 1 '" r''r,r''" 1,7 fwftrt,,! i, iiii,i;,;; . i ' ' " , f , ?. ''' ; 's"'" ''-, ,,,, , . t $ 0 ' . v I r , ; "",',7 i I, If in : i M ' ' i 'i I h J Xs ' ! 'i ' .' , ! u v ;s 1 f "1 ..',' , v t i i v ''V J '.,,,''';', , , f-,- f t 'i "Why did daddy have to die?" That morning he kissed her good-bye as usual. traffic accidents throughout the country. Most of ' "Be a good girl," he said, "and I'll bring you a them didn't have to happen. surprise." But he didn't come home that night- Remember this heartbroken little girl the next H nor ever again. How can you explain a thing like time you are tempted to take a chance pass a a tearful child? stop sign overstep the speed limit. Only you cart f Death comes suddenly on the highway. No om Put an end to such tragedies. IF Jl expects to meet it, much less to cause it. Yet last Now, during the peak driving season, accident f year, 40,000 men, women and children died in hazards are highest so be especially careful! l&iii LUMAMIjMMWAMMl'U Jl llllllllll III I "Tfli '"II J III I II llll I II II II III lllllllllllllll Illlllll mini III II 'Vv r- yt , ...rx.L.... ..li$ll...t , ' uuSjffi&Si iiifwmni i ..rin...i- '(iyfin"irTMlftMinT""'r " r"' v n iii"fiiinwiMW MnnnnnMMaiiatiniiiHmrfwimwnflftniinniiniiittMMM i mi nit Here's iok; yow can help stop traffic tragedies: Drive safely and courteously yourself. Insist on strict enforcement of all traffic laws. Observe speed limits and warning signs. Traffic regulations work for you, not against yov. I Where traffic laws are obeyed, deaths ao DOWN! Where traffic laws are strictly enforced, deaths go DOWN! VY Published in an effort to save lives by n VN" Jyff Kennecott Copper Corporation - 'Jt "A Good Neighbor Helping to Build a Better Utah" In cooperation with Tn Advertising Council The National Safety Council i i .4li'.llprJIw'1tl!rMlfllllllfllrtltlMftlllIlllg U 1 r - 1 1 ; I 'I'M I irrf r |