Show Bertha Angus Priesthood Boys Receive Awards H. John Percival and Adren Timothy received pins honoring For the four years they have received individual awards Also receiving awards for one-year were Kent Robison Bart Jim Virgil Alton D. Percival and Gary Zobell Speakers at the meet ing were Arden Mary Percival and High Councilman Charles Crozier of The boy scouts were on hand to help out in the social at MIA Tues Games were played and entertainment completed the evening Refreshments were served I oka was at the Gold and Green Ball held at Victory Park Saturday Our young folks took part in the floor show Ann Michie returned Sunday from Salt Lake City where she has been for receiving medical She spent some time in the Visitors Sunday with and Harry Nelson were and Mrs Wade Nelson and two children of Salt and Wayne Sweet and children of Ver nal and Mr and Doyle Nelson and children of Mr and Mrs Otto Lloyd attended a party Roosevelt on Thursday evening given by the Extension and Mrs Cummings of California had a car accident which injured and he is in the Mrs is the former Rita one of our pioneer Her parents were early homesteaders here |