Show G-IN THE NEWS BREAKS NOSE When it it it the small daughter of and Weston of Vernal fainted while getting a shot at school last and in doing broke her nose In two places small son has just recently been released from the hospital a very serious and Harold Gee of Salt Lake were weekend guests at the home of Mr and Harvey Gee The Ray Warners and spent Saturday in Salt Lake on Saturday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Howard Powell an 1 family were Mr and Dell Spencer and Patra Olsen of and Mrs LaMar came to Duchesne last Thursday to be with his Fern Mitchell for a few days Other of Mitchell on Saturday were and Raymo 1 Mrs J. A. Fortie M 9 Faun Leora Mr and Marvin Mitchell 1 and Mr and Glen Mitchell of Salt They and many other friends and relatives came to Duchesne to attend the funeral of Arzy Carman Horrocks of Salt Lake spent 3 days last week with his and Ray Horrocks and while attending to business Saturday visitors at the home of and Mrs Neill C. Jensen and family were Tal Wardle and Mrs Lawrence Luck of Mr and Earl Jensen visited in Vernal with and Lawrence on They also visited with Don who is in the hospital Madline stake Era and Mrs Maxine visited the Bridgeland Mutual last Tuesday Horrocks reports a than half-way mark on the Era and not much wok to be done in the Duchesne has at last the snow storm that has been needed all The snow plows from the State and City were busy all day clearing Saturday dinner guests at the home of and Ed Car man were Mr and Floyd Fullmer of Miss Karen Carman came home from the to spend the weekend with her and Mrs Ed Carman and family and Mrs' Bert Mayhew of Utahn were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs Gary Combs of North called her Earl Jordan on Sunday to wish him a happy She said they were getting snow down Neil who arc maning their home in Provo this spent the weekend with the Orven Moons and the Ralph Alton who is attending a vocational school came home with Pat who Is attending accompanied them to Duchesne and was a guests of the i Orven Ruby clerk at 1 the extension service office in has returned to the 1 after a six-week leave of absence for medical Miss Valoy daughter of Mr and Wells who is attending business college in Salt spent the weekend with her Mrs Matilda Sylvia Abbott left Thursday morning to spend two weeks in Arizona with and and Gail Van Tassell and family and Phill Morton and family of Salt Lake spent the weekend with Emma Lloyd our county is at his home this week ing from a serious illness that I hospitalized him for a few days I last Sunday evening guests at the I home of and Dave Thom- as were and Lloyd Stevens and and Clair Huff of and Mrs Perry and family spent the weekend in Provo and Springville visiting relatives |