Show NOW IS THE TIME TO GET ACTION ON A CONNECTING ROAD Last week the county commissioners of Duchesne County and Uintah Counties along with representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of Roosevelt and the Lions club at were invited to a special meeting held at RooseveLt to mainly the proposed connecting road between Highway 40 and For a number of years the Nine Mile vs Indian Canyon routes have been argued pro and con by residents of Carbon County and those living in the Actually about all that has been done is with the results being just about At the Friday meeting in the delegation from Duchesne enumerated the pertinent facts favoring Highway No 33 Indian Canyon Some are as A shorter by 9 miles than any other route that could be considered from Price to any aera west and in many cases south of Highway State engineers say it can be built on a 7 It would be 96 miles closer from any rail-head to the proposed Central Utah project site in Duchesne county where approximately million will be than any other Twenty-eight miles shorter to Flaming Gorge in Uintah county than the other Since the present editor and publisher has been operating two newspapers in the we have favored the Indian Canyon Before coming to the Basin the editor became convinced that Highway if brought to a top standard would more completely serve ail people in both the Carbon area and in the than any other Since taking up residence that belief has become and several editorials have been written why we favor Indian If there is a chance to get this connecting road then it seems now is the time to unite together and seek that which will serve the most people in any given We admire the hard fight a few people have carried and feel certain their efforts will be rewarded if a unified people in the Basin will work for the same 30 |