Show I Cur Boys r Service WILLIAM B. CAMP William B. son of and Dan of is participating in j tion with the First Marine Division during the I January 7 a large-scale ma- euver utilizing sea and a r forces of the Marine Corps is taking place at and at employing over men and than The First Marine sui ported by the Third Marine Aircraft has been storming the beaches of the Camp reservation since Jan 17 and continue to maneuver ashore January JIMMY BALL Sally Wheeler writes from Brigham you put in the paper a little bit of information about my Jimmy He's been in Augsburg for the last 9 He's in the I fantry Regiment He writes to m 1 about jumping in the blackness or night from fast moving planes or be He volunteered from his home in Calif He's got another year and I feel sure that he gets lonesome and would love to hear from his friends in Duchesne County His address James K R. A. Co M APO New York N Wheeler and Jimmy are former residents of |