Show peter mckinnon is now band leader funeral services over the remains ol of mrs wm nichols nichola are being hold held as we go to press if you have land for sale advertise tho the tact fact so that people outside the county who are looking for homes may know our oar rate tor for publishing notices is 19 for horses and for cattle bo be honest with the owners of estraya by publishing descriptions of such euch animals we have just received another load of spring goods also alro hams bacon california evaporated fruits keg syrup and keg pickles which we will sell boll at prices to suit tho times spencer bros now the cruel war is over I 1 am prepared to loan money in any amount tor for long ong time and on oil easy payments those wanting money money on improved farm property cannot do better than ii arite rite me R S spence montpelier Moat pelier ida I 1 have plenty of money to loan on improved farm property low interest long ion time easy payments you can pay it back by installments interest ceasing on all amounts as paid apply to n R S spence montpelier ida boro born to the wife of J R south last saturday it a son eon all well attorney james II 11 wallis anticipates attending the ses sessions gions of the district court and will promptly attend atten 1 I to all probate civil and criminal business entrusted to his care address care of trin THE ROUNDUP ROUND UT UP or paris idaho ploughing sloughing hing has commenced at woodruff we are informed that S C putnam has haa the lead 0 IV jacobson is improving the appearance pe arance of main street by tearing down the old coop co op it if you are sick eick or in pain from any ot of the following cramp toothache headache earache race face ache Rheu rheumatics Rheumatic maties 6 neuralgia leu ralgia or any other ailment get a bottle of pain paint pain t from E T pope randolph price 25 50 cents and 1 sl I per bottle t the question arose in tho the minda of some people last monday whether the gathering ni mas as an old folks party or g a baby show in a letter to the manufacturers pavis davis buzzard of west WestA moni lont eroy erey pa say chamberlains cough remedy has h as cured people whom our physic physicians i could do nothing for we persuaded them to try a bottle of it and they now recommend it as do the rest of us for sale it at 25 and 50 cents per b bottle 0 b bv IK IKE r ar arbor bor day was u as not celebrated hy by our schoos as aa it is too early to plant trees in this valley the last thursday in this month will probably ba devoted to that purpose the example of W W brewer justice of the peace and a prominent citi cit aen of mt jewett Je iett pa is worthy of emulation ue lie says s 1 I nover leave home without a bottle of chambee lains colic cholera and diarrhoea remedy and always recommend it to mv friends it Is the elie best I 1 ever cier usel and never fails to give gie immediata immel iata relief for sale by iku SMITH we missed father john cameron at 1 the old od folks 0 k a party and on enquiry 1 learned 1 he was as not well enough to attend the iube old gent gentleman lema has been under the weather for a few days past we hope he will v ill boon feel able to get around mrs samuel stamm of loganton Lo ganton gauton pa bore her thirty four years of dufferin suf buffering ferin with courage and fortitude her trouble was waa rheumatism in the knee in consequence her limb had become so stiff that she could hardly walk mr is a B ell to do merchant and had spared no pains or expense to relieve her but with little success until one night when it grew so painful that she could hardly endure it hi h persuaded her to try chamberlains rain pain balm the effect was haa magical the first application relieved th the e pain and its continued use has removed all stiffness and given her the free use of her limb once more if you have friends who are troubled with rheumatism insist on their giving this remedy a trial you cat can do then no greater favor as it is sure to give prompt relief and it if they are a little patient it will effect a cure for sale at 25 and 60 cents per bottle by IKE SMITH SAUT 11 |