Show BE TOLERANT we publish this week a communication from C S in which he registers a protest against our county commissioners for appointing a republican as road supervisor for garden city precinct lie ile claims to be representing the feelings of a majority of the people of garden city in the matter Is it possible that the good people of garden city or I 1 i A majority of them really feel so worked up with an intolerant spirit over so trivial a matter as the appointment of a road supervisor we hope not Is it strictly stipulated that our county commissioners because they are democrats must democrats only to till fill any vacancy which may occur in the precincts or are they supposed to serve the county to the best of their ability irrespective of any party we believe the latter and believing so ao quite approve of the action of the commissioners in appointing whom they thought the best man tor for the position we recall the action of the state senate recently when they turned down the name of C H Blom because he happened to be a goldbug we are personally acquainted with mr Blom and know him to be one of the best horticulture ests in the state and it gave us much satisfaction to see that the governor appointed him over the senates veto as we i e strongly believe in the best man for any public office irrespective of party |