Show UT UTAH af NEWS the florists of salt alt lal lake city will hold a flo flower chow in november next the pioneer dam company of ogden lias bas asked salt lake city for a frail franchise A band of ot gypsies who have been in bading vadin logan gLogan for the prist week havo have scarlet fever in camp an effort will bo be mode made to get the next meeting mertill mee till of tile the national education association tor for salt lake frank Rob eitson acon of toole coun county tylia lias struck a small body of ore assaying 57 in gold old and six hix ounces silver 11 L webster of franklin rr anklin was kicked in tile the stomach by a I 1 horse und and died from the injuries received A strike in the home rule tintic gintic district has been made a five inch vein assaying forty ounces silver and 30 per dent cent of led lead president woodruff was able to at tand tuesdays session of conference though thou ii showing the effects of his recent illness the school bonds issued from school district no 0 1 grand county having been found defective abote a vole on their reissue is called for april ad bruce johnson linson Jo a leading belding colored man of silt salt lake lias has organized a picked nine to play the fort douglas browns in the near future the vacancies in the quorum of the twelve apostles caused by the death of abraham II if cannon and the deposition dep of moses thatcher Thit cher were not filled at the late bession of conference J IV eardley a lumber dealer who left salt lake suddenly about a year ago owing owin large sums of money lias has cretu ned lie ile says lie he will adjust matters tl rs and reenter re enter business busl nes roy frink the boy who alio was savagely sava c attacked and severely wounded by an italian section for foreman emart on the southern pacific Iaci fic a few days ll 11 ago 0 has reached ogden oden O den on his way eastward emery county has had more snow 1 the past winter than the oldest inhabitant can remember for three months until tile the end of march nearly two feet of snow lay upon tile ground on the level a record unprecedented the mammoth is having a pew leont put in it is the intention of the coin comp lany to increase the output of the mine as soon boon is as the machinery is started and to push P 11 tile the shaft down to tile the 2500 foot level as rapidly as possible the holdaway Nol daway coil coal company recently incorporated is viol king what is sup supposed p ased to be an anthracite coal vein near sunnyside Sunny side surface coal is marketed at from a nine and one half foot vein the quality is expected to improve ve m with ith depth the kinsma kin small Pub publishing lishin company lias has filed fild articles of incorporation with the secretary of state the object is to publish h a paper in the interest of christian education in utah and vicinity cikity and to publish and distribute tracts tract etc josie I 1 Tir iberg a 11 14 year old salt lake lahe girl was accidentally accidee tally shot in handlin handling 1 a dinall revolver belonging to her roll contain sill mrs 11 11 grow the shot tool effect I 1 in ili tile stomach StOl nUch the girl 1 was as taken to st bt marks mark s hospital where she is in a critical condition oke anderson CS years year of age N 11 ho 0 lived at smithfield was killed while re removing movi ag pota potatoes toes from a pit by the fallin falling of alia frozen earth carlli upon him lie ile had ball evidently relied upon its frozen conditi condition condi tinn tOl to sustain it ile he hall had been dead some time when lien found by his N nife ire 13 S dean A co ba bankers ulcers and brokers ofner of new york boik who maintained branches in salt lake and elsewhere hive failed leaving le tv ing many persons poorer salt lake parties contributed tri buted about ut tile the the concern co is supposed to haie ha e puck e etc te il southern utah should ile be this year oneff one of thebert the best of cattle anil and sheep ranges says bays the grand C rand valley times the great mount amount of snow and rain has insured feed with eattle cattle sheep and wool iu in demand and at advancing prices it ought to indicate prosperity throughout tile the west president A aquilla ril lilla Ne belcer lccy of the state senate has leased acres acre so of f hear bear lake and between the lake and ileather bear Ilean her tile the lease runs until january jannary ja n 1 1898 and is at the rate of i 1 cent per acre the laud being appraised at SO 50 cents an acre it is the first lease made by the state of atall mr nabe ker will ivill u uso so tho the ground as a cattle range the state of ut utah all has loaned to the hear bear river diver land and stock company of rich county the money is from tile alie university laurl land fund and the t loan was made by the state stale board of land commissioners the loan aun runs for ten years and draws 7 per cent interest payable semiannually semi annually it is secured by first firby mortgage on the extensive real estate possessions of the company in rich eich county |