Show how money grous grafl alady A lady deposited two dollars in zions 1 ravings 1 bank still anil trust compass in during durina theaphil the april conference Conte renco ju jut just t held she called for the interest and found that the latter aano now amo hinted to more than one hundred and fifty per cent of the original deposit it is hv by making depo its and adding to the first deposit as often as possible and by allowing allow inc the int to accumulate money arrows I 1 many boys boy who started with N etli a few dollars now it have aye a bank credit of hundreds and some cases of thousands of dollars both women ant and children andr r tile the laws of utah have the thinht right to deposit money subject only to their own order start an recount account now any Anva amount mount above 1 received and 5 per cent interest per annum com compounded to four times time a year ar paid thereon write for information ill do sired to nos 1 3 and 5 main street salt lake city utah WILFORD WOODRUFF 17 president GEO 11 II CANNON cashier Cushi or teacher tommy nhat is the animal with two legs which neither runs nor walks tommy thod guess it must be a messenger boy twinkles important notice to tile the traveling effective february the kio grande western railway will on application endorse its it commercial mileage dooks books good for passage over the lines of the denver rio drande grando railroad colorado midland railroad rio hio grande southern rall railway way viorence ri orence it fc cripple creel creek railway still and midland terminal railway thus giving holders of H R G IV mileage the privilege of taking the colorado trip without requiring pur chabe of additional mileage over the di Herent different roads in that state call on any agent of the K R G W for additional partie particulars F 1 A Gir general passenger agent A new pistol 3 M browning Brown tile famous gun I 1 inventor of the firm of Brow bro ning ninfi bros pun gull and sporting goods dealers s of sill gall like lake city and oden has haa rotten gotten out a an n eight shot auto mitic maa flue pistol wh which i ch firos fires much faster and more uc accurate curate than the modern r besides having far greater ringo still and penetration lie ile lias has arranged with tile tho colts 1 fire ire arms company for the manufacture of it in the lite united states and is now in europe making makine arrangements lits for manufacture of it re rc it 11 is expected the they avill will be on oil tho macket the latter part of this is year and that thoy they will to a great extent make a n reio revolution lution in pistols while ho be is there tile the firm is Iu bushing shing their business hero here cEpe ciany the bicycle pait of it at tho the present time of the year and thero there is every reason v vi hy they should have tile tho large business they are enji enjoying lying for they all the leading wheels tho abo amber the sterling the stoat St canis i is the victor and the tha tribune all of which are of the highest quality besides the best medium grade line the tha ideal ma making kingan an aagre that cannot fiu fail to attract there Is no doubt that they lire are doing the chui 1 business of tile the li iier er mountain country hobson 1 I notice tint that a stenographer teno grapher has just written over iou v yer per minute dobson yes but las bob some home distance behind the actor who writes a letter lettero on lithe tho new york commercial Adver advertiser tiber STATE OF OHIO CITY OF TOLEDO TOT EDO LUCAS COUNTY si prank frank J cheney makes oath that that lie he I 1 13 the senior partner of the firm of F J cheney U co dong doing business in the 6 city 1 i ot of toledo toledo r county count and state afore 1 and that sall gald firm will pay the bum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLA for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be ba buted by abo use of holls halls catarrh cure FRANK FI LANK J TEY sworn to before me and subscribed in tny MY presence this rh ith day ot of december A D IMS DEG seal fi A NV GLEASON notary public halls halla catarrh cure Is taken internally in ter nally and acts directly on the blond and surfaces Burt aces ot of the system send for or testimonials mo nials ls flee I 1 J channy CO toledo 0 fold by cc cfall balls a family P ills are the best rity gosling illes Old style seems to be very strong on literature miss giddy yes poor thing nil all that Is left to her STAI TOBACCO As you chow tobacco for or pleasure use star it la not the ibo lest but the hobt lasting ned anil ther therefore elore the A a IVI R N r 1 a ARE ARC YOU AWARE that the 3 crown baking powder is absolutely puro pure that every aver can is guaranteed equal to tho the best or money mon cheerfully refunded DO YOU KNOW that professor kingsbury one of the finest chemists in the rocky mountain country has carefully analyzed tho the leadin lending baking powders and pronounces tile the 3 crown equal it if not superior to tho the best made AKE 10 YO YOU AWARE AWAKE that hewlett brothers Dro thors have a 11 large spice spica factory and grind spices daly daily thereby retain ill their strength purity and aroma while spices that have been shi shipped i xa tor for thou thousands saud 0 of miles lose their havor flavor and strength while in transit DO YOU KNOW that howlett hewlett Bro brothers hers 3 crown triple flavoring extracts aro are delicious and mado made direct from the fruit wo oak ak you to kindly give these roods goods a fair and honest trial because you will pet get better tuluo tor for your money than in budine bryin eastern goods and will also have the satisfaction fac tiya of knowis that you are helping western industries to thrive and flourish flo uriah instead of those of the east tell your grocer biwer that you want hewlett brothers 3 crown baking powder triple extracts Extract sp pure home ground spices and accept no substitutes tK Hit pit 3 iii inY homo trott nen t britti ii an no care no rny pay renil na lo 10 0 o ettin for t 11 rotia iacone co i I 1 x i mention Meni oi impair A married man mail alv al ays ta s treats a an n engaged d girl as a boy bilha a cipar ciar ines docs tho the boys thit th it tt are too little to smoke now york press 1 STEEL P STE Ls 1 14 4 13 3 YZ LO so sa ST SE SALT LAKE LAK E MUM arai THOI vino 1110 1111 k ial uy F a arist tile hie bahns nty will write ri teto 10 vs ff S lit atford V aslon and iamont atty ally 0 HI 1 A F I 1 li I 1 UC alny n HI receive a re ly cr Optic lm ALEX T att salt lake e city 1 iyce yes examined free RIA I 1 0 0 DR G W SHORES the specialist in the we MR alu Q T IM ENI 0 OE m aw E DOLLAR NE EE EED D BE PAID YOU A ri n it E U DR G W SHORES aldaya seeking to help suffering auf lerine fering mankind always trying to convince people that lutat lie he gives rave received ived for vory every dollar paid him haa h 0 decided to give quackery fraud and lm im position its death blow and protect the th bu fueting classes from the despicable methods of quacks and even sufferer r from aa MAN g lff U HOOD seminal Wa Weal mess avaricio hydrect haai 0 stricture am or organs premature pr matur old ake and all other private diseases whether caused by br leno raio excess lck or conw arion no matter tw bow severe you cian fr consult DR G W SHORES the th clyl c ian clan who his has riven given hla his lite to curing c havrila a dease and be examined so ao vlod big treated and cured without one dollar until the cure cur is effected the th doctor resten ts the right however to refuse any incurable case cas it f he be cani cure cur you he dont want your f loncy ioner such aln m offer wa acia never before made by fc a responsible ph physician and dr G W W snores shores la Is only able to make it because be positively eurea curee these di disease seaseL dont waite another cent on questionable doctora but covault the old doctor and tle be cured BUSINESS CON IAL dr G W SHORES WRITE lock box 1686 1685 salt lake city utah C CURE U 7 E Y NR S E L F 40 LM lite kif bla G for unnatural disch ua U a ir r ita t tons or ulcerations cf W william far t mucous 1 P 4 k und till lot dot acarl a THE EvANs geat or CIN c j acou I 1 b by lr arll or r sent a c n t in i n plain wrapper hy by I for ti af m or ra 3 rz S circular ocul ou iu request live stock Coin commission mission it ac ou would keep posted v M lite for information replies quick returns Kc lurns FRED A SEARS mccornick alm k SALT SAIT CITY A R CO SALT CITY knoks and prepaid to lo destination as ai publishers Mers arres Iri cs out of town rates on hLado nerv gulve school teachers a unit nit i supplies fend end tor for prapee prospectus uli W N U salt lalo no 16 1897 when irs advertis kindly mention efti paper WANI A wl the matter with our line ol of s tho T yellow Better than iluf ener pr sg 1 1 13 ii 1 Mitt atch cli A aiu ALS he best ine medium thuna erter tip lip ica MCI 0 1 Vs be 3 cl es red rented cycle cloth clothing lu and cycle sund sundries of a all it ki kinds n ds 1 ko 0 bivs primos and the latest cecle and hand camera Oi mera illustrated cuta catalogue logue or of cycles or guns d sporting goods irce IS 15 7 I 1 biln maln P st t salt like C city aty S ivashin Ivash ln toll ave og lell cefic elias s morris IVI orris an ana sons ons Gom company and headstones HEADS TOSES r IN AT marble and granito G antles AdT Al grates G rates etc y tit salt C af lahe I l n rh lit OPPOSITE SITH THE WRITE FOR PRICES AND DESIGNS GEO CEO M U SCOTT JAS IL s vice ili es idear and treas bec rotary ess e ss dk d k incorporated importers and rio r i E delers ML rs iri in bar zt iq 61 S 1 heet i ca c t I 1 r ron C m S steel t E 1 pipe e AGENTS POIS buffalo scale company I 1 detroit stove co atlas bri engine ine works john van a nome home steel ranges dodge wooden wooden put Pu puys buys 1 ys coleb air tight gilt heaters california powder works pumps celebrated anchor brand cylinder and j revere rubber co ln undine ine oil dodge injectors Inject ors I 1 owe drown brown co drill tool steel leviathan lelling belting miners tools stoves etc and a general assortment of mill Find findings itil 0 s m 13 VIN ST iv SECOND SOUTH SAH wi CITY |