Show OLD FOLKS PARTY A grand time was bad by the old folks of randolph in tho the meetinghouse meeting house last monday the party commenced at 2 p in with a selection by the symphony orchestra followed by prayer by elder william rex bex an address of welcome ably written by dist school principal A E huish was then read by sister pearl brough the following program was rendered by the old timers song when mormonism first began john snowball love anecdotes charles south remarks on the blessings attending duty 0 J spencer recitation the district Scho school W S muir alfred limb spoke of past experiences and blessings in these valleys step dance A L pearce sung 1 I thought I 1 was again a child J R clay aunt ann then spoke of the blessings enjoyed and progress made by the saints selection mandolin guitar club J M grant related an amusing experience peri ence something about being locked in song the girl I 1 loved G A peart samuel brough related how he journeyed to and settled here with his wife and children he was one of the very vary first settlers of randolph highland fling jno C gray and annie corliss song sweet nelly samuel adams song come along old hoy boy W rex picnic which was in abundance and of excellent quality was then served by randolphe Randolph hs 8 fair and charming daughters and was eaten with great gusto this part oi of the program was deceptive as no one who did not see them eat would give the old folks foks credit lor for possessing such healthy appetites after picnic was partaken partaker par taken of the party pany adjourned till 7 p m when they reassembled and dancing commenced to the excellent music furnished by the symphony orchestra right merrily did the old folks shako their legs and caper around to their hearts content bishop mckinnon seemed thoroughly at home and enjoyed the dancing as much as anybody thus thua ended the first old folks party ot of recent years in randolph we hope they will have many such euch en enjoyable i syable gatherings the various committees deserve much praise for the excellent arrangements and management well done |