Show mr finH Woun ibi washington april 13 Will william iain J bryan returned to washinton washington ton today toiley from fr om florida ile he is still tutt crIa criag as a result odthe of the accident at abst st augustine and till is corl considerably side bably bruised tile the worst injury is in the left side which pains him greatly when going goin about the force of the fall can lie ile judged from the fart fact that a silver match mateli safe bryan carried in lits his vest pocket was crushed completely out ot of shape tonight ni ait at the invitation of the law el class ass of columbian university mr delivered an all address to the students and a i largo large number of invited visitors llis his general theme theine was good government and the equality ct of people before the law the lecturer was afi given von a warm welcome later he was given a reception eption by byth the virginia eVirginia democratic at the metropolitan hotel |