Show LOCALS organs find and pianos at A cashill mer co mr david kimball Kirn ball of meadowville Meadow ville aavo us a friendly call monday crockery lamp and Glass Glas naro smaro at beeman cashin mer ider co if dollars were made of rubber they aroch sri ach beyond our values 1 I leading clothier mrs jano jane swartz who has haa been quite sick for some days is improving im 2250 tor for a first clasi clarq sewing machino iachino nt at beeman A cashin mer iier co D evening news and tim THE ROUND UP only per year cash i in it ad advance ance bishop baxter of 0 woodruff was in town this week his mother who is ill the semiweekly semi seini weekly deseret news and tuf TUB ROUNDUP ROUND UP for one year cash in advance larn and saddie Sadi ie conr own make tile the best in it the world hi at beeman man cashin CB liin mer co mr jos E hatch of argyle was a caller and new to tue THE UP saturday Satu rJay the fine point of profit broken off dur ini the holiday week I 1 KASTOR leading Lc adins clothier ogden dress flannels from 40 to 1 3 cents per yard at al AIcKin mckinnon non bros we are closing oat our misses trimmed hats tim tain 0 etc etc at your own price people do come coune and po go away to look around but they come every time ti me 1 I Lend Lea diniz nii clothier large framed pictures reduced from to only each fancy lamps reduce t from to euh I 1 mckinnon bros mr jos dringo of fish haven gave gava us a call thurs lay f lie to says that iwar ly iv carry family in in fish haven are suffering severe colds the sovera colds colda from which to co many of our people are suffering is ia attributed by tile the old resident 4 to the lie mild winter I 1 not f freezing ree the ilie lake 0 ocr er our rate nite for publishing notices is for horses borses and 1 l ia for cattle bo be donest with tile owners of estraya by publishing descriptions 0 of such animals In our cus cu somers come back to us ua but never go bick back on u why because they al N aya pet get the best 1 I KART lead leading in clothier the preachers at tile afternoon services sunday were eldens A E huish N F chritensen jno snowball chaa south and home hoine missionaries A C call and IV it lee we have just received A new lot of ladies and misses coats which we will close out at I 1 ed allock prices if you dont believe it call an and 1 see spencer bros at tho the teachers ox examination which closed on saturday three out of seven teachers passed tho the successful ones were albert F E huish allas maud horne hogue and misa aiss susie crat now the cruel war is over I 1 am prepared to loin loan money in any amount for long loep time and on oil e tsy payments r abose money ou on improve im provid ol 01 fam fani prop elty eity cannot do do beter athali write rite me ft S spence lii lif r ila no puff is necessary to sell our boods those who see them are sati antiques antiqued fled tho the best in town andall and all right 1 I leada Lead ni clothier mr irr ed johnston Jo linston of nf paris paie gac us ns the pica plea pleasure sore of a visit monday moni iby lie he is vi biting re lathes in randolph and t tomorrow potts goes to evanston Lv Fv anston to visit hi his s fattier father and other relatives there happy to see you at ai any time lime call again dreinis Kro Kr inis einis berc r county pa wo we believe chamberlains cou colah 11 remedy to be tile the best remedy in fit use wo we U aho e it in our own faini families lies and it is a favorite favori ie among our customers co 25 and GO 50 cent bottles fur for sale by IKE we acknowledge receipt of bulletin no 41 of the agricultural college logan it is ia a treatise on ear partheni eart heni thern dams by samuel fortier and is replete with 9 good information this bulletin will be sent free to anyone in tho state on application to tile experiment station logan utah if you want tho the best that cash call buy it if you want the chen ch capet apet that cash can corral during the holiday week dont fail to come and see us tie 1 I KASTOR loading landing clothier if you yon are sick or in pain from any of tho following cramp cat Ca larrah arr ah toothache headache karachi earache ra faco co elle rheumatics neuralgia or ay any other ailment get a bottle of pain pa paint t from E T pope randoph Kan Itan doph price ag 50 cents and 81 per par bottle t doada drying up tip rapidly beautiful weather mrs P mckinnon Kinnon SIr returned from woodruff fr friday tile bun shines bright and worm warm aint this glor glorious ioup furniture new arid secondhand second hand ut at beeman fc cashin mer co mr 0 W Ja jakobson lias his our thanks tor for a prime joint of fresh pork closing out ladles ladies cloaks at less than Y price mckinnon Mi Kinnon bros THE roundup ROUND UP and cincinnati weekly enquirer alco 1150 per year cash in advance pure apple cider cide r 5 cents a plass glass or GO cents a gollon at mckannon bros heating I 1 and cook stoves now and secondhand second hand at beeman cashin mer co the cincinnati Cincin nali enquirer and THE HOUND UP only per year cash in advance it if anybody offero you more than vie ae do or lower prices take em ein up tip quick its it 11 ten strike for yon I 1 IK astor astor leading clothier if you have land for sale ad advertise vertice the lie fact so that people outside the county who are looking for homes boines may know we have been unable to obtain particulars tic ulars of the death deal h and burial of father weston will our correspondent please furnish report ladies cloaks at to some of these cloaks sold for ai much as 03 2300 each they are just a little out of style hence the low price McKiou on bros the atten attendance danco at the randolph district school is as follows higher grade 76 A E bluish Tt cher intel mediate mei me liate grades 33 miss misa ill peterson teacher primary grades pradas 61 miss clare hobt ker teacher total attendance prices less goods fine stock large satisfaction guaranteed what moro more can you want I 1 aiston leading clothier I 1 have plenty of money to loan on improved farm property low interest long lona time easy payments yr you can pay it back by installments interact Inter Int erett ct ceasing on ill all amounts ani as 13 paid apply to B R S spence ida rather father nehemiah weston one ot our oar pioneer brethren kanoun throughout our country for his lionor honor liberality to the flip por p or the tha church and every good and woi thy caup cau P lias has just away at the good old age of nearly 77 years descar desan t news during the holidays we are squeezing prices do don it to the lowest point of con compression possible ible to ghe them without utter destruction 1 I KASTOR leading clothier we lial hal he flie pleasure ofa of call from an ow old friend jamrs james F dunn dann of provo wean Wed niday dav SIr ir dunn is traveling for rolt co of ogden and goes from randolph Randol nh flir through taw boar bear lake country we e wish iliin him success do you cout getting married if so you cant keep house without furniture are you now married it if so the best thing to keep your your wife from scolding 3 ion ou is to buy her a nice piece of furniture we lye have it bosell to bell cheap mckinnon bros |