Show chicago chronicle A gont gentleman leinan living lu in the he north division says ho be Is not prepared to believe the tales of distress which ly reach him it I 1 ill because bec aue having lodged lold ed with the lie bellef lu liff and aid society two mouths ago an all offer to provide a horne home for one needy person IN who ho mould render it a small service lie he lias has lud bad but one applicant and in he be was ill an aged man too feeble to will k at all it Is possible po elble that tile the gentleman did not file ills his proposition it at tile the right place the bellef ind and aid society appears to ll 11 have ave become an institution where certain latter day d ay iy wilkins ibers negotiate paper or loat float loans but which does riot not concern itself particularly with will 1111 hard ol grinding ind anil offensive pov etry no doubt ill the boriety lias has a mission which it fills filla acceptably but the aal i icko citizen should not be misled by the uana ot of tile the institution it ills I 1 pines nies ni es a certain amount of relief and aid to deserving individuals whose pedigree 1 reo appearance st state ate of health social status et ct cl acra will stand tile hie fullest had and most protracted tion As now conducted it would be impossible to bring the ahe machinery machine of the chicago R ellef and aid society to boar bear upon a ca cao cac c of starvation or freezing tor for it is adjusted to a very different class of work kven even the wretched have a way ot of avoiding places where they are arc not wanted and where no assistance si Is 13 to be looked for perhaps if the north side gentleman hail had made ills his proposition to some society or individual that Is in closer contact with the distressed he would not have had bad to wait so long for an answer I 1 no 0 old time chicagoan Chica Koan would expect to hour bear from the bellef and aid society lu in ana nau u months any anyway vay |